SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE Written by Simon Beaufoy November 4th, 2007 ? SLUMDOG FILMS LIMITED 39 LONG ACRE LONDON WC2E 9LG 1 INT. JAVED'S SAFE-HOUSE. BATHROOM. NIGHT. 1 An expensive bathroom suite. Excess of marble and gold taps. Into the bath, a hand is scattering rupee notes. Hundreds and hundreds of notes, worth hundreds of thousands of rupees. The sound of a fist thumping on the bathroom door, furious shouting from the other side. JAVED O/S Salim! Salim! 2 INT. STUDIO. BACKSTAGE. DAY. 2 Darkness. Then, glimpses of faces. In the half-light, shadowy figures move with purpose. An implacable voice announces. TALKBACK V/O Ten to white-out, nine, eight, seven... PREM Are you ready? Silence. A hand shakes a shoulder a little too roughly. PREM (CONT'D) I said are you ready? JAMAL Yes. 3 INT. JAVED'S SAFE-HOUSE. BATHROOM. NIGHT. 3 The thumping at the door continues. The sound of mumbled Indian prayer. Dull gleam of a pistol. A hand cracks the chamber open. Loads a single bullet into the chamber, snaps the chamber shut. TALKBACK V/O ...three, two, one, zero. Cue Prem, cue applause... Suddenly, the door splinters as it is smashed through. A burst of gun-fire and white light as suddenly... 4 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 4 ...we are back in the studio, the gun-fire morphing into rapturous applause. (CONTINUED) 2. 4 CONTINUED: 4 TALKBACK V/O Go, Prem. A wall of light and noise as the two walk on stage. Cheering, music, banks of searing studio lights. On stage, Jamal, an eighteen year-old Indian boy-man stares, petrified. He would surely turn and run but for the iron grip on his shoulder of the smiling host, Prem Kumar. PREM Welcome to Who Wants To Be A Millionaire! More applause. PREM (CONT'D) Please give a warm welcome to our first contestant of the night- a local from our very own Mumbai! Under cover of the wild applause, Prem ushers Jamal towards the guest's chair, leaning in and hissing. PREM (CONT'D) Smile, dammit. The lights seem to bore into him but Jamal manages a tentative smile. Out of nowhere, a hand slaps him ferociously across the face. Then again and again. Blood trickles from his mouth. 5 INT. POLICE INTERVIEW ROOM. NIGHT. 5 The studio lights have seamlessly transformed into the harsh bulb of an interrogation light. Jamal is strung from the ceiling by his arms. CONSTABLE SRINIVAS Your name, bhen chod. Constable Srinivas's hand pulls back Jamal's head by the hair, forcing him to stare directly into the lights. CONSTABLE SRINIVAS (CONT'D) Your name! JAMAL Jamal Malik. And seamlessly we are back.... 3. 6 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 6 ...on the set of Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Prem leans back in his chair, a man at home in his surroundings. Jamal sits opposite, frozen. PREM So, Jamal, tell us a bit about yourself. Close on Jamal's face. Without warning, it is shoved under water. 7 INT. BUCKET. NIGHT. 7 We look up from the bottom of the bucket at the screaming face of a drowning man. His head shakes desperately, pointlessly. Then Jamal's face is dragged up again, roaring for breath. Close on his eyes. JAMAL V/O I work in a call centre. In Juhu. 8 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 8 PREM A Phone-basher! And what type of call centre would this be? JAMAL XL 5. Mobile phones. PREM Aha! So, you're the man who rings me up every single day of my life with Special Offers, huh? JAMAL No, actually, I'm an assistant. PREM An Assistant Phone-basher? A raised eye-brow at the audience. Amusement ruffles through them. PREM (CONT'D) And what does an Assistant Phone- basher do, exactly? JAMAL I- I get tea for people and- (CONTINUED) 4. 8 CONTINUED: 8 PREM - a chi-wallah! Why didn't you say? Laughter in the audience. PREM (CONT'D) So, ladies and gentlemen, Jamal Malik from Mumbai, let's play Who Wants To Be A Millionaire...! 9 OMITTED 9 10 INT. POLICE INTERVIEW ROOM. DAY. 10 Jamal's body dangles motionless from the ceiling. His head is bowed and he is moaning to himself. The ceiling fan thumps round slowly. In the corner, Constable Srinivas mops his brow and lights a cigarette. Hot work. The door opens and the Inspector of Police walks in. A rumpled man in his late forties who has seen pretty much everything. He eyes Jamal, surprised. INSPECTOR Has he confessed, yet? CONSTABLE SRINIVAS Apart from his name, I can't get a word out of the runt. INSPECTOR You've been here all bloody night, Srinivas. What have you been doing? Srinivas shrugs. CONSTABLE SRINIVAS Tough guy. INSPECTOR A little electricity will loosen his tongue. Constable Srinivas brings a box and a tangle of wires out of a cupboard and proceeds to put crocodile clips on Jamal's fingers. The Inspector stares, deep in thought. Sweat trickles down his face. He wipes it away with a handkerchief, seems to be talking to himself. INSPECTOR (CONT'D) Every night I get home, "why can't we have a/c like Bajan Chacha? (MORE) (CONTINUED) 5. 10 CONTINUED: 10 INSPECTOR (CONT'D) Why don't you care about your poor family, dying in this heat." Twenty-four years a policeman and I can't afford bloody a/c. Turns on Jamal. INSPECTOR (CONT'D) But you. You've got ten million rupees ek dum guaranteed, yaar? And who knows how much further? Fancy the twenty million, do you? Jamal just stares. INSPECTOR (CONT'D) I think you probably do. The Inspector nods absently to Constable Srinivas who turns a handle. Jamal's body pulsates and jerks. He screams. His body goes limp again. The Inspector goes over to Jamal. INSPECTOR (CONT'D) So. Were you wired up? A mobile or a pager, correct? Some little hidden gadget? No? A coughing accomplice in the audience? Microchip under the skin, huh? Constable Srinivas hadn't thought of that. Grabs Jamal's arms and starts squeezing them all over until the Inspector has had enough. INSPECTOR (CONT'D) Srinivas! Look, it's hot, my wife is giving me hell, I've got a desk full of murderers, rapists, extortionists, assorted bum-bandits...and you. Why don't you save us both a lot of time? Hmm? Jamal doesn't answer. The Inspector sighs and sits down. Looks at his watch, nods at Constable Srinivas again. Jamal's body jerks with electric current. When the shudders and screams have subsided, the Inspector goes over to Jamal's collapsed form. Clicks his fingers in front of Jamal's face to check for a response. INSPECTOR OF POLICE He's unconscious, chutiya. What good is that? How many times have I told you-? CONSTABLE SRINIVAS Sorry, Sir. (CONTINUED) 6. 10 CONTINUED: (2) 10 An excited Young Police Constable sticks his head around the door. YOUNG CONSTABLE He's coming! Sir. INSPECTOR Ar? wa, Srinivas, we'll have Amnesty International in here next, peeing their pants about human rights. Get him down, tidy him up, for God's sake. Constable Srinivas goes over to Jamal and starts to undo the crocodile clips. CONSTABLE SRINIVAS Maybe he did know the answers. INSPECTOR Have you gone soft, Srinivas? Professors, lawyers, doctors, General Knowledge Wallahs never get beyond sixteen thousand rupees. And he's on ten million? What the hell can a slum dog possibly know? Jamal lifts his head. JAMAL The answers. He lifts his head, spits blood out of his mouth and says again, straight into the Inspector's face. JAMAL (CONT'D) I know the answers. Titles. Slum Dog Millionaire. 11 EXT. CRICKET GROUND. DAY. 11 Bright sunlight filtered through the ever-present Mumbai dust. A group of children are playing cricket on a tarmac cricket ground. They are bare-foot, dressed in little more than rags, wiry-skinny and fast on their feet. Salim, a nine-year old, polishes the ball on his almost non-existent shorts, comes in with surprising speed and bowls. The batsman hooks it high in the air. The bowler screams at a boy in the outfield. SALIM Jamal! Catch it! Catch it! The seven-year old Jamal stares up at the ball, jinks around trying to get into position. (CONTINUED) 7. 11 CONTINUED: 11 He pays no heed to the rest of the children who are scattering fast to the edges of the tarmac. The ball seems suspended in the blue sky. Shouts from the other children seem very far away. He doesn't notice that they are screaming for him to get out of the way. Jamal adjusts his feet for the perfect catch. Then out of nowhere, a light aircraft almost takes his head off as it comes in to land on the tarmac runway. Jamal is knocked to his feet by the down-draft of the plane. The ball bounces away. Also flattened, Salim gets to his feet. SALIM (CONT'D) How could you drop that? It was a sitter. Then Salim's face turns to one of alarm. 12 EXT. AIRPORT PERIMETER. DAY. 12 At the back of a pack of children, carrying a piece of wood crudely fashioned into a sword, Jamal is running for his life, pursued by an ancient but surprisingly nimble Security Guard from the airport who is screaming abuse and wielding a long stick. The kids dash across a rubbish dump and disappear down dozens of tiny lanes that run in between the shacks of the slum. SECURITY GUARD Private-ka land! Private-ka land! The planes won't kill you, mader chod, I will! Jamal and Salim- also with a wooden sword- break off, head down a separate lane. The Guard pursues them. 13 INT. JUHU SLUM. DAY. 13 The lanes in between the corrugated iron shacks are three feet wide, with an open drain running down the middle. Many of the precarious upper floors of the shacks have been built right over the paths, turning them into black tunnels. Tunnels shot through with slivers of light. If you didn't live here, you would be lost and frightened in minutes. But these children are natives and with the practice of many years, Jamal and Salim zig-zag down the warren of lanes. They dodge past people cooking in the doorways, sleeping, washing clothes or in the case of Vinod, a naked four year-old, pissing into the drain. Salim shouts a warning. (CONTINUED) 8. 13 CONTINUED: 13 SALIM Vinod! Musketeers coming through! Without breaking step, they both jump expertly over the stream of piss. Not so the Security Guard who gets it all over his trousers, but doesn't stop the pursuit. The two children charge past a shack filled to the roof with chickens in cages who all start squawking. They break out into the sunlight of the `main road' of the slum lined with shops. It is packed: with people, stalls, bicycles and cows. All modern India is here, drinking tea, shouting at each other, selling food, playing carom, video games. Leaving a trail of shouting and wreckage behind them, the pair approach a brand new Mercedes almost blocking the lane. Beside it stands Javed, an impressive man in a beautiful suit and his two Minders. Jamal and Salim skid to a stop, put their hands together in respectful greeting and edge ever so carefully past the immaculate paintwork of the car. Still in pursuit, the Security Guard also slides carefully past the car with deprecating bows and smiles. On past the chi stall where a crowd has gathered to watch a hindi film blaring from the tv rigged up overhead. The irate Security Guard gets tangled up in a bicycle. Jamal and Salim stop to give him a taunting, hip-gyrating parody of the dance on the tv before scooting down another tunnel. They break out into sunlight again. WOMAN'S VOICE Jamal! Jamal skids to a halt, bumping into Salim who is already frozen. JAMAL Shit. Mummy-ji. JAMAL'S MOTHER Don't you move a muscle. The Security Guard arrives and he too skids to a halt at the sight of Jamal's mother. JAMAL'S MOTHER (CONT'D) Thank you, Mister Gupta. I will deal with these two. The Guard puts his hands together in grudging respect as Jamal's Mother lifts each skinny kid off the floor by their t-shirt and marches them down the road. 9. 14 INT. SCHOOL. DAY. 14 The two renegades are dumped by Jamal's Mother into their desks as Mister Nandha hands out ancient school books. MISTER NANDHA So, the musketeers return. We are honoured. Salim. Or Porthos, isn't it? He crashes the heavy book down on his head. Salim opens the book. Jamal glances over and turns the book the right way round for Salim. SALIM I know! Mister Nandha hovers over Jamal's head. He winces in anticipation. MISTER NANDHA And Athos. The book comes down like thunder. Jamal blinks from the impact and suddenly we are back.... 15 INT. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. DAY. 15 ... in the Inspector's office. Jamal watches Srinivas fiddling with the video recorder, trying to get a picture. Through the pebbled glass, Jamal sees shapes moving along the corridor. 16 INT. CORRIDOR. POLICE STATION. DAY. 16 The Commissioner of Police is fawning along beside Prem as they walk. The Young Constable hurries behind. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE It is so kind of you to visit our station, Sir. A great honour. PREM Not at all, not at all. I hope you will visit us, Commissioner. Out of his jacket pocket comes a couple of tickets. PREM (CONT'D) Bring the family. It's a lot of fun. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE Oh! A thousand thanks, Sir. Missus Janda will be overcome. (CONTINUED) 10. 16 CONTINUED: 16 He turns to the Young Constable. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE (CONT'D) chi, you lazy chutiy?, chi! The Inspector joins them in the corridor. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE (CONT'D) Ah, Inspector! Cracked it? The Inspector moves his head. Maybe yes, maybe no. INSPECTOR Nearly, Sir. The Commissioner is just able to contain his apoplexy. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE Nearly? Nearly? When Prem Kumar himself has- Prem holds up a tolerant hand to the Commissioner who falls silent. Turns his laser-like charm onto the Inspector. PREM Inspector. How good to meet you. Clearly the kid cheated. INSPECTOR Clearly, Sir. PREM So, it is just a question of how, no? INSPECTOR Indeed, Sir. The proof. That is all we need. PREM We are lucky to have a man of your obvious experience on the case. This kid might run rings around us filmi types, but he won't make fools out of the Mumbai Police Force, I can see that. Forced laughter from the Commissioner. PREM (CONT'D) In front of sixty million people. More laughter. And fear. (CONTINUED) 11. 16 CONTINUED: (2) 16 PREM (CONT'D) Which is what will happen if we don't get a result, Gentlemen. He goes back on the show to rob us all with the whole of India watching. But. I can rely on you. Prem walks away down the corridor. Stops and turns, apparently casual. PREM (CONT'D) Has he- has he made any allegations? INSPECTOR Allegations? PREM He's a cunning one. A convincing liar. Don't be taken in, Inspector, don't be taken in. Walks off. The Inspector stares after him. Goes back into his office. 17 INT. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. 17 Srinivas has finally got the recorder to work. We get snatches of filmi dancing- heroines singing on mountainsides surrounded by implausible numbers of flags- cricket and finally after some shouting by the Inspector, Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?. INSPECTOR So, Mister Malik, the man who knows the answers. Talk. We close in on the tv screen where Prem is smiling his crocodile smile and find ourselves.... 18 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 18 Prem asks the first question. PREM So, are you ready for your first question for one thousand rupees? JAMAL Yes. PREM Not bad money to sit in a chair and answer a question. Better than making the tea, no? (CONTINUED) 12. 18 CONTINUED: 18 JAMAL No. Yes. No. PREM No. Yes. No. Apka final answer? Laughter from the audience. Jamal looks confused. Prem waves it away, switches on his serious face. PREM (CONT'D) Remember, you have three lifelines if you're not sure of your answer- Ask the Audience, 50/50 and Phone a Friend. So, the question: The lights go down, the portentous music rolls. PREM (CONT'D) Who was the star of the 1973 hit film Zanjeer. Was it A- Close on Jamal's eyes. 19 INT. SHACK. NIGHT. 19 A tiny shack. A garland of dirty plastic flowers surrounds a torn flyer for one of Amitabh Bacchan's films. 20 EXT. JUHU SLUM. RUBBISH DUMP. NIGHT. 20 Salim is sitting on a chair at the end of a rickety wooden pier, though it is not water, but a sea of rubbish and sewage that lies below them. There are dozens of these piers protruding from the slum onto airport land, each with a toilet shack perched right at the end. Another man hurries up the pier and hands Salim a coin. SALIM Immediately, sir. Turns to the toilet door. SALIM (CONT'D) Bhai, get out of there. Prakash wants a shit. JAMAL O.S. Not finished. PRAKASH Stop your time-pass. This is urgent. (CONTINUED) 13. 20 CONTINUED: 20 JAMAL O.S. It's a shy one. Since when was there a time limit on a crap? SALIM Since there was a customer waiting, that's when. He flashes another placatory smile at Prakash. JAMAL O.S. (singing/ grunting) Come on out, you beauty, unveil yourself, my darling-warling.... PRAKASH Look, kid, I got a bad stomach. It's borderline.... A disturbing combination of heaving and snake-charmer noises come from the toilet shack. Finally Prakash can stand it no longer. PRAKASH (CONT'D) I'm off to Devi's bog. Give me that. He snatches the coin back from Salim and hurries off. Salim bangs on the toilet door. SALIM You just lost me good money, you stupid idiot- Salim stops. In the distance, there is the faint sound of shouting, a crowd coming closer. Then the crowd bursts through the outer shacks of the slum, pour onto the rubbish dump and make for the airfield. MAN It's Amitabh! That's his helicopter! JAMAL O.S. Amitabh? Amitabh Bacchan? 21 INT/EXT. TOILET. NIGHT. 21 Jamal peers through one of the many cracks in the shack. He sees crowds surging around the pier, charging towards a landing helicopter. Salim shoves the chair under the door handle- effectively locking it- and runs down the pier to join the chase. Jamal pulls up his shorts. JAMAL No! Wait! Salim, sala! Salim! (CONTINUED) 14. 21 CONTINUED: 21 Rattles the locked door. Pulls a torn flyer from his pocket advertising an Amitabh movie. JAMAL (CONT'D) Wait! Amitabh.... He looks down the toilet hole at the sewage beneath him, the landing helicopter, the disappearing crowd. A final rattle of the door. There is only one way out. He jumps down the hole, sprawling headlong into a year's worth of human waste, managing to keep the flyer out the mire. He runs for the helicopter. JAMAL (CONT'D) Amitabh-ji! Amitabh-ji! Salim is at the back of the crowd, trying to force a way through, but the adults shove him back. Not so for Jamal. The down-draft from the helicopter flicks bits of sewage from his clothes. Disgusted fans curse him and get out of his way. Suddenly, the red sea parts and there is nobody between Jamal and Amitabh Bacchan getting out of the helicopter. JAMAL (CONT'D) Please. Amitabh-ji. Jamal holds out his flyer. Used to signing autographs, the movie star barely looks at Jamal. He takes the flyer and scribbles his autograph on it. JAMAL (CONT'D) A thousand thanks, Amitabh-ji. He hands the flyer back to Jamal as his bodyguards surround him and hustle him into a car. Jamal chases the flyer across the tarmac, grabs it. Kisses it. 22 EXT. JUHU SLUM. NIGHT. 22 From high up, the rickety tin roof-tops of the slum seem to stretch to the horizon. There is a distant shout, a figure waving an arm. MAN It's coming! Then another shout and another, a chain of voices coming closer. People come out of their doorways with pails and buckets. The shouts come closer until we see a naked figure entirely encased in bubbles dancing and singing in the lane. Jamal is the happiest boy in the slum. JAMAL (singing) Amitabh, Amitabh, oh Amitabh! (MORE) (CONTINUED) 15. 22 CONTINUED: 22 JAMAL (CONT'D) I have your autograph, oh, holy Amitabh! MOTHER Here it comes! Water comes bubbling through a hose and Jamal's mother hoses down her ecstatic son. 23 EXT. JUHU SLUM. NIGHT. 23 Not far away, Salim wanders to Mister Chi's stall. He glances around to make sure everybody is glued to the hindi film on Mister Chi's tv and surreptitiously slips Mister Chi the signed flyer. Mister Chi takes a look and gives Salim a small wad of rupees. He sticks the money in his pocket, slinks away. 24 EXT. JUHU SLUM. NIGHT. 24 A tear-stained Jamal is furiously trying to batter Salim, but Salim's extra strength and height means that he can keep Jamal at bay with one hand, Jamal's flailing fists punching thin air. JAMAL Sala! Sala! Salim's laughter only makes Jamal cry harder. 25 INT. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. NIGHT. 25 Close on the tv screen in the Inspector's office. Prem ponders Jamal's choice. Presses a button on his computer. PREM V/O You chose A- Amitabh Bacchan. Guess what? You just won one thousand rupees! Applause on screen. The Inspector looks at Jamal. Jamal shrugs. JAMAL You don't have to be a genius. CONSTABLE SRINIVAS I knew it was Amitabh. JAMAL Like I said. Constable Srinivas twists Jamal's arm behind his back, evincing a squeal of pain from Jamal. (CONTINUED) 16. 25 CONTINUED: 25 JAMAL (CONT'D) (squealing) He's the most famous man in India...! The Inspector stares at Jamal, turns back to the tv where Prem is asking the next question. PREM O/S For four thousand rupees....the national emblem of India is a picture of three lions. What is written underneath? Is it... 26 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 26 PREM ...A) The truth alone triumphs. B) Lies alone triumph. C) Fashion alone triumphs. D) Money alone triumphs. Prem shoots a mock puzzled look out to the audience eliciting giggles from them. PREM (CONT'D) What do we think, Jamal? The most famous phrase in our country's history. Maybe you want to phone a friend? Laughter from the audience. The studio lights bear down on Jamal. a drop of sweat trickles down his forehead. Prem is loving his discomfort. PREM (CONT'D) Or Ask the Audience? I have a hunch they might just know the answer. What do we think? He gestures expansively at his audience. Oh, they love him. JAMAL Yes. PREM (startled) Yes? JAMAL Ask the audience. Prem whistles. Raises his eyes at the audience. PREM Well, you're the contestant, Jamal. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 17. 26 CONTINUED: 26 PREM (CONT'D) Put the poor man out of his misery, Ladies and Gentlemen. Press your key-pad now. The lights dim. Portentous music. 27 INT. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. DAY. 27 The Inspector presses pause. Sighs. INSPECTOR So, Jamal. My five-year-old daughter knows the answer to that, but you don't. Strange for a millionaire genius. What happened? Your accomplice nip out for a piss, did he? Or did he just not cough loud enough? Silence. Constable Srinivas kicks Jamal's chair. CONSTABLE SRINIVAS The Inspector asked you a question. JAMAL How much is bhelpuri at Jeevan's stall on Chowpatty Beach? INSPECTOR What? JAMAL One bhelpuri. How much? CONSTABLE SRINIVAS (can't help himself) Ten rupees. JAMAL Wrong. Fifteen since Divali. Who stole Constable Varma's bicycle outside Dadar Station last Thursday? INSPECTOR (amused) You know who that was? JAMAL Everyone in Juhu knows that. Even five year-olds. Despite himself, the Inspector laughs. Then leans in. (CONTINUED) 18. 27 CONTINUED: 27 INSPECTOR I'll give you five hundred rupees if you just admit it. You go home, I go home. Everybody happy. Jamal just stares back. INSPECTOR (CONT'D) No, you want to go back on the programme and win twenty million rupees, don't you? JAMAL Wouldn't you? 28 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 28 PREM The audience has chosen. And, whaddya know? Ninety-nine percent of them think the answer is A). The truth alone triumphs. What do we think, Jamal? A hundred percent would have made me a little more reassured, maybe.... Prem shrugs, makes a show of examining his computer. Suddenly fixes him with his eyes. PREM (CONT'D) Are you married, Jamal? JAMAL No. PREM Well, don't despair, there's someone out there who thinks our national motto is "Fashion alone triumphs". You two could be very well matched. Audience laughter. 29 INT. GALLERY. NIGHT. 29 The Director is shaking his head. DIRECTOR What the bloody hell is he playing at? He's way off script... VISION MIXER Split up with his girl-friend. (CONTINUED) 19. 29 CONTINUED: 29 DIRECTOR Which one? VISION MIXER All three, I heard. Nita as well. Back with the wife. She's pregnant again. DIRECTOR Oh, God, that's all we need.... VISION MIXER Oh, for Sharukh Khan...Stand by white out. 30 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 30 PREM ...won four thousand rupees! Music, lights, applause. PREM (CONT'D) One more question before the commercial break. What will our Call Centre Assistant do next? The lights dim. Prem presses his computer. PREM (CONT'D) Religion! Interesting. For sixteen thousand rupees, in depictions of the God Ram, he is famously holding what in his right hand? Is it A) a flower. B) a scimitar. C) a child or D) a bow and arrow? 31 EXT. DHOBI. JUHU SLUM. DAY. 31 Right next to the railway lines is a pond of dirty water surrounded by shacks in which dozens of women are washing clothes. Trains flash past only feet away from them. Down the other end of the pond, nine-year old Jamal and Salim are splashing noisily with some other children. Jamal's mother pauses in her scrubbing, wipes sweat from her forehead and gazes up at the leaden sky. JAMAL AND SALIM'S MOTHER It's going to come. Today. I can feel it. The woman next to her nods. WOMAN Hope so. My head is exploding. (CONTINUED) 20. 31 CONTINUED: 31 MOTHER Yes. We need rain. Jamal is trying to intercept the ball that Salim and Krishna are throwing to each other. He's not having much success. The ball flies overhead again from Salim to Krishna. Jamal dives for it, misses and goes underwater. When he comes up for air, he shakes his head, clearing his ears of water. Then he stops, listens. Shakes his head again. Definitely something strange. Thunder? Salim and Krishna are trading catches, unaware that anything has changed. But Jamal's mother has heard it too. The faintest sound of shouting, roaring. The wave of noise is still faint but getting louder. A frozen moment broken by: MOTHER (CONT'D) Run! Jamal, Salim, run! Everybody stares at her. A train speeds through as she continues to shout, her words lost beneath the thundering train. MOTHER (CONT'D) Go! Run! The train goes through, the last carriage flying past suddenly opening up the sight of a wall of rioting men wielding clubs, scythes, metal bars. They come screaming across the railway tracks. SALIM Krishna, quick! Salim holds out his hand to Krishna who is wading with difficulty through the water. KRISHNA No way! You're a bloody Muslim. Get away from me! The rioters leap the tracks and are upon them. KRISHNA (CONT'D) They're Muslims! Him and him! MOTHER Go! Salim and Jamal scramble out and retreat into the lanes. Salim turns to see his Mother felled by a rioter. She is surrounded by screaming, chanting men who rain blows down on her. Jamal runs back and drags Salim down an alley. As they head down the alley, they get glimpses of burning houses, fleeing women, a three- year old boy in a doorway, painted entirely in garish blue. He stares at them. In his hand, he is carrying a bow and arrow. An eleven-year old girl dressed only in a pair of pants runs after them. (CONTINUED) 21. 31 CONTINUED: (2) 31 She has two bleeding red gashes on her back. They turn a corner and head towards some vans full of police. Jamal sees Mister Nandha, the school teacher, stops. JAMAL Salim! Then Mister Nandha starts walking towards him. An oasis of calm in the chaos. Jamal looks at him with relief. JAMAL (CONT'D) Mister Nandha. Mister Nandha smiles, walks towards them. MISTER NANDHA Ram nam satya hai, Babri Masjid dhvasth hai. JAMAL Mister Nandha? MISTER NANDHA We have destroyed your mosque. Now, the followers of Ram will drive you dogs out of our city. From behind his back he produces a knife and runs towards Jamal, screaming. MISTER NANDHA (CONT'D) Ram has returned to his temple! Ram has returned! They flee, but Jamal turns, sees the girl, frozen. He chases back a few steps, hauls her arm. The spell broken, and they are off. 32 INT. STREET. EVENING. 32 They reach the safety of the police vans. But inside the vans, the police are smoking, laughing, playing cards. Down the street, a man comes whirling out of a doorway, his hair on fire. He falls into the middle of the street and is engulfed by rioters. Unperturbed, the police continue to chat. Salim and Jamal look on, horrified. Then one of the police men turns, looks at them. Is interested. Motions to a colleague. Puts out his cigarette with purpose. JAMAL Let's go, bhai. Salim and Jamal run. The girl follows. 22. 33 EXT. MUMBAI. EVENING. 33 Salim and Jamal stand on a hill overlooking the city. Black smoke billows from a large area that is clearly the Juhu slum. Standing a little way off is the girl. JAMAL We should go back. Silence. JAMAL (CONT'D) See if Ama- Salim shakes his head fiercely, silencing Jamal for a moment. But only a moment. JAMAL (CONT'D) What about Jeevan Chacha? Salim shakes his head. JAMAL (CONT'D) Maybe he- Salim shakes his head again. SALIM - I saw him. He was with them. JAMAL But he wouldn't hurt- SALIM - he was with them! JAMAL But- SALIM - shut up, Jamal, can't you? Just shut up! Salim turns away and sees the girl. Picks up a rock and hurls it at her. She dodges, takes a couple of steps back but makes no real attempt to get away. He finds another rock and hurls this in her direction too. SALIM (CONT'D) Ja! Then a flash of lightning and thunder rumbles across the city. Rain begins to come down. JAMAL What shall we do? (CONTINUED) 23. 33 CONTINUED: 33 No answer. Jamal sits down. Salim sits down. At a distance, the girl sits down. Rain pours down their faces. 34 INT. BUILDER'S YARD. NIGHT. 34 Rain as you've never seen. A pile of huge water pipes in a sprawling builder's yard. Jamal is in one pipe, Salim above him in another. They are both soaked, shivering, but have found some plastic sheet to wrap themselves in. Outside, thirty feet away, stands the girl. Staring. Salim hisses angrily at the girl. SALIM Go away. Ja, ja! The girl might not even have heard. SALIM (CONT'D) She'll have the Security Guard onto us, standing there. JAMAL Not if we let her in. SALIM No. JAMAL She could be the third musketeer. SALIM I am the head of this family, now. And I say no. Piss off, you. Salim huddles down in the pipe. After a while, Jamal follows suit. SALIM (CONT'D) We don't even know what the third musketeer's called. 35 EXT. JUHU SLUM. DAY 35 A flash of Jamal's mother being clubbed to the ground. Her scream. 36 INT. BUILDER'S YARD. LATER. 36 Jamal wakes with a jolt and a scream half-swallowed in his mouth. He shuts his eyes tight, trying to force the image out. His breathing slows and he sees the girl staring at him. Salim, too, is staring into nothing. The rain is still falling. (CONTINUED) 24. 36 CONTINUED: 36 The girl goes back to drawing shapes in the mud with her finger. Jamal climbs out of the pipe. Looks at Salim for permission or refusal, but he just continues to stare. So, Jamal walks across to her. She looks up, wary. JAMAL Where's your Mother? Silence. JAMAL (CONT'D) Father? The girl shakes her head slightly. Jamal takes the plastic sheet from around his shoulders. Gives it to her. JAMAL (CONT'D) I'm Jamal. He's Salim. LATIKA Latika. Jamal goes back to his water pipe, climbs in. Watches her huddled under the sheet. Sighs, motions for her to join him. She darts across, jumps into the water pipe and huddles up next to Jamal. 37 INT. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. DAY. 37 Jamal looks at the Inspector. JAMAL I wake up every morning wishing I didn't know the answer to that question? If it wasn't for Ram and Allah, I would still have a Mother. 38 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT 38 JAMAL D) A bow and arrow. PREM Final answer? JAMAL Final answer. Prem stares at him for dramatic effect. Presses his computer. PREM Computer-ji, D lock kiya-jaye. (CONTINUED) 25. 38 CONTINUED: 38 The lights dim, the music swells. PREM (CONT'D) Jamal Malik, you answered D? Ram is depicted with a bow and arrow in his hand. And guess what? You've just won sixteen thousand rupees! Well done, my friend. Time for a commercial break- don't go away, now. Music, applause. Prem switches off his professional smile. Gets up. PREM (CONT'D) Got lucky, huh? I'd take the money. You'll never get the next one. JAMAL You're from the Juhu slum, aren't you? PREM Hmm? Sure. Know where I live now, kid? Pali Hill. Twelve bedrooms, a/c in every room, two kitchens, a gym and a screening room. Steel balls is what it takes, my friend, steel balls. The Floor Manager comes over and gives his head-phones set to Prem. Prem listens. DIRECTOR V/O Prem? Tone it down, for goodness sake. You're making him a laughing stock. Prem glances up at the gallery with contempt. PREM We're having fun here. They love it...Where the hell do you get them from? He makes no attempt to hide the conversation from Jamal. DIRECTOR V/O It's supposed to be a quiz show, not a blood sport. FLOOR MANAGER Two minutes. (CONTINUED) 26. 38 CONTINUED: (2) 38 PREM Stop wetting your pants. I'll be a good little boy with the next one. Promise. He chucks the head-phones back at the Floor Manager. Glances in the wings. Sees Nita, the make-up woman. Gets up and goes over. 39 INT. STUDIO. BACKSTAGE. NIGHT. 39 In the half-light, backstage, Nita dabs his face with powder. PREM Meet me after the show. Please. NITA No. PREM Nita, I can explain. NITA No need. I read it in bloody Stardust. Didn't even have the balls to tell me. "Prem's happiness with another baby on the way". After everything you said... PREM Baby, it all happened before I met you. I swear to you. NITA She's got the gestation period of an elephant, then. Prem is about to object. But instead, he laughs. PREM You see? Amidst all this misery, only you can make me laugh. Scornful but hints of melting. NITA All this misery... PREM Her and I- nothing. You have to believe me, baby... Nita turns away. The Floor Manager comes over. FLOOR MANAGER One minute. (CONTINUED) 27. 39 CONTINUED: 39 Prem slings himself in a chair. PREM No. I'm not going on. NITA Prem... PREM I can't. Without you, it's all pointless. Clicks his fingers at the Floor Manager. PREM (CONT'D) You. Tell the Director. Nita shakes her head at the Floor Manager who by now is looking very worried. FLOOR MANAGER Thirty seconds. Prem shrugs and folds his arms. Sees her weaken. NITA Prem... PREM Calypso Bar, private room, just you and me? FLOOR MANAGER Fifteen. NITA (furious) Alright. He grins, jumps up, blows her a kiss, and stalks back on stage. 40 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 40 He sits back down, says almost to himself. PREM Steel balls. Turns to Jamal. PREM (CONT'D) Okay, Juhu boy, you've had a good run. Take your Mother to Khandala and eat some chiki. JAMAL My Mother's dead. (CONTINUED) 28. 40 CONTINUED: 40 PREM Well, your girlfriend then. Even better. JAMAL I don't have a girl-friend. PREM Live wire like you? You surprise me. FLOOR MANAGER Five, four... The warm-up man starts the applause. TALKBACK V/O ....three, two, one... Cheering and music. Prem switches on his charm. PREM Welcome back to Who Wants to be a Millionaire! Our contestant, Jamal Malik, Call Centre Assistant- from Mumbai, is on sixteen thousand rupees and has already used one lifeline: Ask the Audience. So, my friend: are you ready for the next question? JAMAL Yes. PREM Then, let's play. Portentous music. The lights dim. PREM (CONT'D) For sixty-four thousand rupees. The British architect Frederick Stevens designed which famous building in India? Is it: A) The Taj Mahal. B) Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus. C) India Gate. D) Howrah Bridge. What do you think, Jamal? Are you one of those tea-boys with a penchant for architecture? 41 INT. CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI TERMINUS. DAY. 41 Known to everyone as VT station, this monument to Victorian railway architecture is a dangerous place to be at rush hour. (CONTINUED) 29. 41 CONTINUED: 41 Even before the train has stopped, men are jumping from the open doors, or vaulting out of the windows or from the roof of the train to join the tens of thousands of Mumbaites streaming to and from work. A seventeen-year old Jamal squeezes himself out of a train and shoves through the crowds. He checks the time. The digital numerals flick to five O'clock. Looks around the tide of humanity. 42 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 42 PREM So, what's it to be? Walk away and this cheque for sixteen thousand rupees is yours. Look, it's even got your name on it. He produces a cheque and waves it at Jamal. JAMAL I don't have a bank account. Laughter from the audience. Prem is momentarily wrong- footed. JAMAL (CONT'D) But I'll take cash. More laughter, this time with Jamal, rather than at him. Prem gets up and starts rummaging theatrically through his jacket pockets and trousers. PREM Nope. Looks like the Producer's stolen my wallet again- JAMAL - I'll play. Nobody was expecting this. Least of all Prem who has to rearrange his features into one of surprised delight. He sits down. PREM You'll play? JAMAL Why not? PREM Well, well, well. We've got a wild one, here. Prem tears up the cheque with theatrical slowness. (CONTINUED) 30. 42 CONTINUED: 42 PREM (CONT'D) For sixty-four thousand rupees, Ladies and Gentlemen, the question once again.... 43 INT. CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI TERMINUS. DAY. 43 The digital clocks show five fifteen. Shoving the descending river of people out of his way, the eighteen year-old Jamal is forging a path up steps that cross the platforms. He pushes to the middle of the footbridge and leans out on the side railings. He scans the sea of people, desperately. Then he sees her: the eighteen year-old Latika, heart-stoppingly beautiful, over the other side of the station. A world away. She is scanning the crowd, as wired as he is. JAMAL Latika! Latika! But though he is screaming her name, his voice is swallowed by the noise around him. Then he sees two thuggish-looking men also fighting a way towards her. JAMAL (CONT'D) Latika! Frightened now, he fights his way down the steps, one figure against an army of white-robed people. JAMAL (CONT'D) Latika! JAMAL V/O Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus. PREM V/O Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus. Sure? JAMAL V/O I think so. PREM V/O You think so. A brave man, Ladies and Gentlemen, a brave man. 44 INT. CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI TERMINUS. DAY. 44 The commuters have mostly gone. Jamal is pacing the platform desperately. He stops, stares blankly at the statue in front of him- a proud, rather pompous figure in a Victorian frock coat. The plaque reads: Frederick Stevens. 31. 45 INT. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. NIGHT. 45 The Inspector, Srinivas and Jamal are staring at the video recorder. JAMAL Yes. Final answer. Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus. PREM Is the right answer! Sixty-four thousand rupees to you, Sir! Applause and music. The Inspector presses pause. Stares at Jamal. INSPECTOR And did she come back? Jamal smiles sadly. JAMAL I wouldn't be here if she had. INSPECTOR Pretty was she? Jamal stares down at his feet. INSPECTOR (CONT'D) Guess not. Right in the eyes. JAMAL The most beautiful woman in the world. Constable Srinivas snorts. Suddenly, Jamal is out of his chair and at Srinivas' throat. The combined force of the Inspector and Srinivas force him roughly back down. He is again handcuffed to the chair. INSPECTOR OF POLICE Well, well. The slum dog barks. Money or women. The reason for most mistakes in life. Looks like you got mixed up with both. Srinivas, you need the exercise: a trip to VT Station to check on the statue. And lock your bloody bike up. Constable Srinivas swears under his breath but bumbles out. (CONTINUED) 32. 45 CONTINUED: 45 INSPECTOR That's the chutiy? out the way. Now, man to man. How did you know all the answers? JAMAL If I knew, I'd tell you. 46 OMITTED 46 47 OMITTED 47 48 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 48 PREM Now we're into the serious money. For two hundred and fifty thousand rupees, ladies and gentlemen, a quarter of a million rupees...the song Chalo Ri Murali was written by which famous Indian poet. Was it A) Surdas. B) Tulsidas. C) Mira Bai. D) Kabir. Remember you still have two lifelines- fifty- fifty and Phone A Friend. Tempted to use one? JAMAL No. PREM No? JAMAL I know this one. PREM Oh. I see. An expert on the poets, huh? The lights dim, the music swells and Prem presses his computer. 49 EXT. MUMBAI STREET. NIGHT. 49 Jamal is studying a piece of paper and reading out numbers from it. There is something not quite right about Jamal- perhaps the fact that there are two feet by his ears. Salim is standing on his shoulders and spraying the numbers on a wall with an aerosol and a certain lack of confidence. (CONTINUED) 33. 49 CONTINUED: 49 JAMAL Four, nine, zero, nine- the one with the stick going down, Salim- six- stick going up- Latika's head appears from around the corner. LATIKA (whispered) Oi! But they don't hear. Then she is running for her life past the pair of them. JAMAL Six, one, shit, let's go- Salim collapses off Jamal's shoulders and all three run off down an alley past a dozen of the gang's sprayed-on adverts all reading: "Beanbags- 989 4909661". A fat Security Guard with a long stick huffs round the corner. Chases them up an alley. Nowhere to go except through an imposing gate that clearly leads to a private house. SECURITY GUARD Got you now, little shits. 50 EXT. GARDEN. NIGHT. 50 They charge across the lawn, down one side of the house where all the washing is hanging. The Guard gets caught up in drying sheets, towels. He fights his way through to see Salim, Latika and Jamal leaping over the wall to safety. But Jamal turns, jumps back and grabs a girl's dress from the line. SECURITY GUARD Aha! Little thief! The Security Guard lands a couple of blows on Jamal's back as he dodges around him and back across the lawn, dress in hand. The Security Guard gives up. SECURITY GUARD (CONT'D) Pervert! 51 INT. ALLEY. NIGHT. 51 Jamal is examing the bruises on his legs. SALIM Useless bloody look-out. What good is she, huh? (CONTINUED) 34. 51 CONTINUED: 51 LATIKA (infuriated) I tried to warn you. JAMAL It's okay, Salim. Latika slips on the dress. Spins. Both of them look up. Stare. She pulls her hair back, smiles, is transformed into a beautiful girl. 52 EXT. GORAI BEACH DUMPING GROUND. DAY. 52 Blazing sun. Diggers and trucks are shifting mounds of rubble on a rubbish dump that seems to stretch for ever. Oblivious to the dust kicked up by the trucks, Latika is picking up old plastic bags, examining each one and putting the less worn in a big sack. The dress is recognisable but dusty and torn. She stoops to dig another bag out of the dirt, but stops and stares. Shimmering in the heat, a rickety pick-up truck comes through the rubbish dump gates. Toots at the Guard who waves, pulls up in the dump. "Hope Orphanage is written on the side of the van. A man gets out. Looks around. 53 INT. `TENT'. DAY. 53 Under sheets of plastic propped up on sticks, Jamal and Salim are sleeping out the hottest part of the day. Jamal wakes to see a figure standing over him- a silhouette with a halo of sun behind him. Out of his bag, the man produces a bottle of Thumbs Up. He uncaps it with an alluring hiss. It is almost an advert for thirst-quenching affluence. Almost instinctively, Salim and Jamal stir. MAN Hello. He hands the bottle to Salim, gets another from his bag and waves it questioningly at Jamal. MAN (CONT'D) Hot, huh? My name is Maman. 54 EXT. ORPHANAGE. EVENING. 54 The hills on the edge of Bombay. Greenery and space, for the first time in the film. The pick-up truck pulls up outside a building with Jamal, Salim and Latika sitting on a bench in the back. Maman gets out. Drops the gate on the back of the pick-up. MAMAN Anyone hungry? Come on in. 35. 55 INT. ORPHANAGE COURTYARD. EVENING. 55 Twenty children are eating at long benches in a ramshackle courtyard. Maman, ushers Jamal, Salim and Latika in and sits them down at one of the benches. He waves a hand and a giant man, Punnoose, comes over with a big bowl of food. The three tear into it. Cleaning every last morsel of rice from his plate, Jamal looks up and notices a table peopled entirely with blind or crippled children. Some of the legless are eating on the floor next to the table. Jamal leans over to Salim. JAMAL He must be a very good man to look after these people. SALIM (glancing at them) A saint. Arvind, a boy smaller than either Jamal or Salim overhears. ARVIND We're not allowed to talk to them. LATIKA Why not? Arvind shrugs. Latika licks her plate, glances at Maman who is looking right at them. LATIKA (CONT'D) Well, if there are seconds, Maman is definitely a Saint. As if telepathic, Maman signals to Punnoose and he brings a large bowl of rice and dhal over to them. Latika looks at Jamal and Salim. They burst out laughing. LATIKA (CONT'D) I tell you, Lord Siva is with us. 56 INT. ORPHANAGE. EVENING. 56 Salim, Latika, Jamal and a group of children are standing in a line singing a doha- ancient lyrics set to music. Maman is leading the singing, walking up and down the line listening to each one individually. He stops at one small boy, Arvind, and listens. Nods his head, pleased, and continues down the line until he stops in front of Jamal. Holds up his hand. MAMAN Stop! You. Again. (CONTINUED) 36. 56 CONTINUED: 56 Jamal starts singing again. He has the sweetest of voices. Untrained but pure. Maman smiles, ruffles Jamal's hair, impressed. MAMAN (CONT'D) Everyone. They all join in. Maman continues down the line. He stops at Salim whose octave-slipping singing is lusty and appallingly out of tune. Maman winces and moves on. Standing next to Salim, Latika giggles. Immediately, Salim is on her. Before a fight breaks out, Punnoose pulls Salim off Latika and hurls him across the room. Salim gets up and charges at Punnoose. For a second, Punnoose is back-footed, but then pins Salim's arms to his side. Maman laughs. Approaches Salim. MAMAN (CONT'D) You sing like one, and you fight like one. I think you've found your dog, Punnoose. 57 EXT. CENTRAL MUMBAI TRAFFIC. DAY. 57 A group of children are sitting in the jumble of concrete under a motorway flyover. Cars surround them, bumper to bumper. Latika and Jamal are playing an improvised hopscotch on concrete slabs. They are giggling, bumping into each other, tickling, laughing. Salim and Punnoose are sitting together, smoking. Salim is staring hard at Jamal and Latika until Punnoose grunts, a sign for Salim to clap his hands. SALIM Okay, let's go, let's go! It's not a bloody holiday! The children get to their feet. Latika sighs, puts a patch over her eye and grabs a pair of crutches. Suddenly, the lame beggar. Salim goes over to one of the girls, who is carrying a sleeping baby. Puts out his hand. SALIM (CONT'D) Give me that. The girl shakes her head. Salim grabs her by the hair in one hand and takes the baby with the other. He shoves her to the ground. The other children stare. JAMAL Hey, Salim! He challenges Jamal. SALIM What, chot? bhai? You got a problem? (CONTINUED) 37. 57 CONTINUED: 57 He laughs and walks over to Latika. SALIM (CONT'D) Here. For you. LATIKA I don't want it. SALIM You'll earn double. I'm doing you a favour, Latika. JAMAL She doesn't want it. SALIM Chup, Jamal. Latika turns away and begins to walk towards the cars. SALIM (CONT'D) I'll drop it. He holds the baby up. Latika grabs the baby with a cry just as Salim releases it from his hands. Salim pinches the baby. SALIM (CONT'D) Triple if it's crying. Latika snatches it away. Salim laughs, goes back to sitting with Punnoose. The children scatter to the cars trapped at the lights, tapping plaintively on the windows and making the universal begging gesture. 58 INT. ORPHANAGE. KITCHEN. NIGHT. 58 Surrounded by beer bottles, Punnoose is slumped asleep by the kitchen door. Latika edges past, avoids the cook sleeping under the table and goes to a shelf laden with vegetables. She pulls down a bunch of chillies still on the vine, strips a few off and tip-toes out with them. 59 INT. ORPHANAGE. DORMITORY. NIGHT. 59 Sleeping children, three or four to a mattress on the floor. Latika tip-toes around the mattresses. She pauses over one in particular where we see Salim, asleep. She carefully pulls up the sheet, delves underneath. Pleasant dreams cross Salim's sleeping face for a second. Then suddenly, he is bolt upright and screaming. He charges around the room clutching his genitals in agony. SALIM Madher chod...! (CONTINUED) 38. 59 CONTINUED: 59 He sprints out of the room, wailing. 60 INT. ORPHANAGE. SHOWERS. NIGHT. 60 The lights are on and two dozen children are screaming with laughter as Salim stands under the make-shift shower directing the water down his pants to his burning genitals, his face a picture of agony. Latika wipes crushed chillies from her hands. SALIM You're dead, sala. She smiles and walks past Jamal with a shrug. Then Punnoose comes stalking in and the children scatter away. PUNNOOSE Get back to bed, dogs! What the hell... JAMAL V/O They taught me every song in the history of Indian music. INSPECTOR V/O And why would they do that, I wonder? 61 INT. SHACK. NIGHT. 61 In a shack, Arvind is singing one of Surdas' bhajans in front of Maman and an old man who by his ragged appearance must be a villager. Punnoose and Salim sit behind Arvind. MAMAN Very good, very good. I am pleased, Arvind. He is ready. ARVIND Ready? Maman nods to Punnoose. Before Arvind can turn round, Punnoose has covered his mouth with a cloth and after the briefest of struggles, Arvind's body goes limp. The villager puts an old tin box on the table. Taking the lid from the tin, he brings out a cloth and unwraps it. Inside is a spoon. He checks the edge with his thumb. Sharp. Douses it with a clear liquid from a bottle and passes it over a candle flame. The spoon whooshes with a high flame for a moment. The villager wipes it with the cloth nods to Punnoose. PUNNOOSE Salim! (CONTINUED) 39. 61 CONTINUED: 61 Utterly bemused, Salim nevertheless helps Punnoose lay Arvind on the table. The villager takes hold of Arvind's eyelid and pulls it open. He brings the spoon close. Suddenly, Salim is being sick in the corner of the shack. By the time he has turned back, the villager is wiping the spoon on a blood-soaked rag. MAMAN Okay. Take him out the back. Punnoose picks up Arvind and carries him out. MAMAN (CONT'D) Now the other one. Salim, go get Jamal. A frozen moment. SALIM What? MAMAN Gunfighter Number One, isn't that right, Salim? The money, the women, the want them bad, huh? And why not? Maman gets out of his chair. Approaches Salim. MAMAN (CONT'D) The time has come to choose, yaar. The life of a slum dog or the life of a man. A real man. A gunfighter, Salim. Maman holds Salim's head in his hands. MAMAN (CONT'D) Your destiny is in your hands, bhai. You can be me. Or nobody. Understand? SALIM Yes, Maman. Maman nods. MAMAN So, brother, go get Jamal. Salim is frozen for another few seconds, then turns and walks out of the door. Punnoose appears at the door. Maman nods to him and he slips off after Salim. 62 INT. DORMITORY, ORPHANAGE. NIGHT. 62 All the children are asleep apart from Jamal who is crouched underneath a couple of wash-basins. (CONTINUED) 40. 62 CONTINUED: 62 He is talking through a plate-sized hole in the crumbling masonry. Latika's eyes can be seen. JAMAL ...weddings, government things, big parties. If Maman says my voice is ready. Big money. LATIKA Enough for a room? JAMAL Easily. Maybe an apartment. LATIKA Really? JAMAL That's what Arvind said. On Harbour Road. You, me and Salim. The three musketeers. LATIKA Harbour Road! We can have ice cream from Babanji's. JAMAL Every day if we want. Salim appears at the door. Nods his head at Jamal. JAMAL (CONT'D) It's my turn. LATIKA Good luck, Jamal. Latika's hand comes through the gap. Jamal takes it for a moment. Salim hisses at Jamal. He lets go of the hand and heads out. 63 EXT. PATH. NIGHT. 63 Salim and Jamal walk along the path, Jamal humming happily. Salim checks behind him, sees Punnoose following. JAMAL So, this is it, hey, bhai? The good life, here we come.... SALIM (conversationally) Athos. Jamal is suddenly alert. Slows (CONTINUED) 41. 63 CONTINUED: 63 JAMAL Porthos? Salim nods. Big smile. Puts a hand on Jamal's shoulder. SALIM When I say. 64 INT. SHACK. NIGHT. 64 Salim guides Jamal into the shack where Maman and the Villager are waiting. Maman smiles. Punnoose slips in behind Salim. MAMAN Jamal, hello. You have done well. It's time for you to- turn professional. JAMAL Really? MAMAN Sing me a song, yaar. How about Chalo Ri Murali, huh? My favourite. Jamal opens his mouth, then closes it again. Holds out his hand. JAMAL Fifty rupees. MAMAN What? JAMAL (shrugs) I've turned professional. What can I do? Maman laughs. MAMAN Sala...! He throws some notes at him. 65 EXT. SHACK. NIGHT. 65 Outside, a giggle. Latika is peering through a gap in the wall. 42. 66 INT. SHACK. NIGHT. 66 Jamal begins to sing. Maman waits a while, then nods to Punnoose. Behind Jamal, Punnoose hands Salim the bottle of chloroform and the rag. Salim approaches the back of Jamal. Salim waits until he has finished the song. Raises his hand with the rag in it. Maman smiles, nods. Salim flings the contents of the bottle in Punnoose's face. Punnoose screams and stumbles back clutching his eyes, knocking over the table. SALIM Go! Salim and Jamal scramble for the door. The knocked-over candle catches the spilled chloroform and a curtain which whooshes up in flame. LATIKA Jamal! JAMAL Run! 66A EXT. SHACK. NIGHT. 66A They charge past the prone Arvind- a flash of bloodied bandages covering his eyes. 67 EXT. HILLSIDE. NIGHT. 67 Heavy, desperate breathing. Feet stumble on roots. Fall into holes. The three children are running. Branches smack into their faces. But they are so scared, nothing will stop them. Behind them, torches scour the undergrowth. Men shouting. They break out of the woods and are confronted with a train goods yard. 68 EXT. GOODS YARD. NIGHT. 68 They run over the tracks, between the trains, but the shouts are getting louder, the torches closer. A diesel engine is moving out of the station. Jamal, Latika and Salim sprint for the Guard's Van at the very back of the moving train. Punnoose is closest to them. Salim is fastest and first to jump the train. He holds out his hand. Jamal grabs it and is hauled in. Jamal holds his hand out to Latika. JAMAL Come on! Faster! She reaches out to him. Their hands almost touch. (CONTINUED) 43. 68 CONTINUED: 68 JAMAL (CONT'D) Take it! Take it! I can't reach... Salim barges Jamal out of the way. Jamal stumbles back as Salim reaches his hand out to Latika, so he doesn't see Latika's hand grasp Salim's, nor see their eyes lock onto each other, nor see Salim very deliberately let go of her hand. Latika stumbles. LATIKA Jamal! Jamal scrambles to the rail. The train gains more speed. Jamal climbs on to the top rung, makes to jump, but Salim flings him backward. Jamal tries to scramble to his feet again, but Salim restrains him. JAMAL Got to go back. We've got to go back. SALIM He'll kill us if we go back. Jamal! He was going to take your eyes out- with a bloody spoon! The train is speeding along. Jamal breaks free and stares back at Latika. SALIM (CONT'D) She'll be alright. She always is. Latika stumbles again and stops running. They watch as Punnoose catches up with her and stops running. He smashes Latika to the ground. 69 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 69 PREM The question was, for two hundred and fifty thousand rupees: who wrote the famous song Chalo Ri Murali. I should warn you, Jamal: from this question on, if you get the answer wrong you lose everything. So. Are you sure? The life-lines are there.... JAMAL Surdas. PREM Surdas. Apka final jawab? (CONTINUED) 44. 69 CONTINUED: 69 JAMAL Yes. PREM Computer-ji, A lock kiya-jaye. The lights dim, the music swells. Prem presses a button on his computer: looks him straight in the eyes for an age. PREM (CONT'D) (simply) Guess what? You're right. Applause, music, lights. 70 INT. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. DAY. 70 The Inspector is eying Jamal, weighing it all up. JAMAL (shrugging) Blind singers earn double. You know that. INSPECTOR And what happened to the girl? They blinded her too? JAMAL (shakes his head) They had other plans. Though it took me a long, long time to find out. 71 EXT. TRAIN. MORNING. 71 Salim and Jamal are sitting on top of the train. Jamal is staring blankly down the track. SALIM Ar?, Jamal... Salim puts an arm around Jamal's shoulder. Jamal wipes the tears from his eyes, shakes his head furiously. Salim gets up. Holds out his hand. SALIM (CONT'D) Come. JAMAL Where you going? SALIM First class, bhai. Where else? 45. 72 INT/ EXT. FIRST CLASS CARRIAGE. MORNING. 72 The ancient train is huffing slowly up an incline. A middle class Indian couple with their three children are sitting at a table, their breakfast spread before them. Into this domestic scene, unseen by them comes Jamal. Upside down and still outside the train, he is clearly being dangled by his ankles from the train roof. He gives a few, silent directional signs to Salim who manoeuvres him across, dips his hand into the open window, snatches a chapatti and signals franticly to be hoisted up. The family continue to eat, unperturbed. Then Jamal appears again. This time one of the children spots him. Despite Jamal giving her a friendly wave, she yelps. The father of the group grabs Jamal's hand which has just snatched a samosa. There is a tussle, Salim holding onto Jamal's legs, the father holding onto Jamal's arms and Jamal in the middle, shouting. Salim is losing the battle and his footing. He stumbles and the pair of them fall from the train, rolling and tumbling down an embankment in slow-motion. Interspersed with the seemingly endless tumble are images of Jamal and Salim on top of different trains- - huddled together against the freezing rain... - surfing the wind at the front of the train... - admiring the distant Himalaya.... JAMAL V/O We criss-crossed the country from Rajasthan to Calcutta. Every time we were thrown off we got back on again. This was our home for years. A home with wheels and a whistle. The final tumble as they crash onto flat ground. 73 EXT. RAILWAY EMBANKMENT. DAY. 73 Groggily, Jamal sits up and groans. Somehow in the tumble, he has been transformed into a twelve year-old. And Salim a strong fourteen year-old. Through the haze of pain and dust, Jamal sees something glinting in the distance- something impossibly beautiful. JAMAL Salim? Is this heaven? SALIM You're not dead, Jamal. Jamal clears his head. Sees Salim picking himself up from the ground. But the apparition is still there. (CONTINUED) 46. 73 CONTINUED: 73 JAMAL So what's that? SALIM Wow. They stare at the apparition. The unmistakable outline of the Taj Mahal rises from the horizon, pink in the morning sun. Nothing could be more beautiful. JAMAL Some hotel, huh? 74 EXT. TAJ MAHAL. DAY. 74 Jamal and Salim wander under the great dome of the Taj Mahal. Two tiny slum kids dwarfed by this massive monument to love. It is a moment of genuine wonderment for them. Then a tour guide bustles nearby, tourists flowing behind him. GUIDE ...there are five main elements to the Taj. The Darwaza, the main gateway, the Bageecha or garden, the Masjid or mosque, the Naqqar Khana, the rest house and the Rauza or mausoleum. If you would like to follow me, I will show you the ninety-nine names of Allah on Mumtaz's tomb. As before, please remove your shoes. Jamal follows the Guide and his entourage into the mausoleum. Salim meanwhile is studying the line of shoes. Tries a smart pair of women's court shoes, before slipping a foot into a nice, white sneaker. A smile crosses his face. His other foot quickly follows and he saunters away, all mock-innocence. 75 EXT. TAJ MAHAL. DAY 75 Jamal comes out of the mausoleum into the bright sunlight and looks around for Salim. No sign of him. Suddenly, a German couple approach. ADA Please, what time is the next tour? JAMAL Err- PETER - so much waiting around in this damned country. (CONTINUED) 47. 75 CONTINUED: 75 Jamal notices that he is standing next to a sign advertising guided tours of the Taj. JAMAL No, I- ADA - we're on a very tight schedule, you see, young man. Have to see the Red Fort this afternoon. Would it be possible to show us around now? Obviously we understand it would cost more for just the two of us... Peter waves a couple of thousand rupee notes at Jamal. His eyes widen. JAMAL But of course, Madam. Please follow me. Jamal stalks off. The Germans follow. Jamal stops before the monument. Points a confident arm at it. JAMAL (CONT'D) This is....the Taj Mahal. A terrible pause as Peter and Ada stare at him. Clearly more is expected. He moves off at a pace. JAMAL (CONT'D) The Taj Mahal was built by the Emperor Khurram for his wife Mumtaz who was maximum beautiful woman in the whole world. When she died, the Emperor decided to build this five star hotel for everyone who wanted to visit her tomb...but he died in- in fifteen eighty-seven, before any of the rooms were built. Or the lifts. The swimming pool, however, as you can see was completed on schedule in top class fashion. He waves confidently in the direction of the fountains. ADA It says nothing of this in the guide book. JAMAL With respect, Madam, the guide book is written by a bunch of lazy, good-for-nothing, Indian beggars. (CONTINUED) 48. 75 CONTINUED: (2) 75 ADA Oh. JAMAL And this, Lady and Gentleman, is burial place of Mumtaz. ADA How did she die? JAMAL A road traffic accident. ADA Really? JAMAL Maximum pile-up. PETER (suspicious) I thought she died in child- birth. JAMAL (nodding sagely) Exactly, Sir. She was on the way to the hospital when it happened. Jamal moves on. Ada and Peter exchange a glance. ADA (shrugging) You've seen the way they drive around here... 76 EXT. TAJ MAHAL. DAY. 76 Montage of Jamal authoritatively showing tourists around the Taj Mahal. JAMAL V/O It was the best-paid job I've ever had. JAMAL This is the Princess Diana seat, Madam. Allow me. Jamal shows the tourist a battered postcard of Princess Diana, staring doe-eyed into the distance with the Taj behind. The tourist sits. Jamal adjusts her legs so that they match the postcard. Takes the photo.... SALIM O/S Tourist police! (CONTINUED) 49. 76 CONTINUED: 76 ...and abandons the woman with a polite bow, charging for safety as two Police Officers race towards him. CUT TO: 77 EXT. TAJ MAHAL. DAY. 77 Jamal stands a Tourist on a wall and positions his hands to create the optical illusion that he is dangling the Taj from his fingers. Takes a photo for the Tourist. Behind the Tourist, Salim and a boy called Shankar pick up the Tourist's shoes and saunter casually across the grass. CUT TO: 78 EXT. ROADSIDE MARKET. AGRA. DAY. 78 By the side of a busy market street Salim stands next to a row of stolen shoes. Sneakers, court shoes, sandals, high heels...he is busy bartering with a man over a pair whilst Jamal tries to shout up business. JAMAL Top-class fashion, bottom-class prices! Shoes for all! Shoes for all! 79 EXT. BOYS CAMP, YAMUNA RIVER. DAY. 79 Hectares of drying clothes by the side of the river. Spectacular squares of red, saffron, white. Not far away from the dhobi ghat, there is a makeshift slum- camp where Salim and a gang of children are sitting, smoking. Jamal joins them, hands over a wad of rupees to Salim. Salim counts the cash, hands half to Shankar and slaps Jamal so hard on the back that he nearly falls over. JAMAL V/O And life was good. 80 EXT. SLUM. DAY. 80 Jamal gets out of a new Mercedes driven by an Indian Man. A middle-aged American couple also get out. Jamal points them down a lane which opens out on India's largest dhobi where hundreds of women are beating clothes on stone slabs. JAMAL This is the biggest dhobi ghat in the whole of India, Mister David. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 50. 80 CONTINUED: 80 JAMAL (CONT'D) They say that every man in Uttar Pradesh is wearing a kurta that has been washed here at least one time. CLARK Is that so? That's amazing. Let's get a look at this, Adele. He gets out his video camera and wanders towards the dhobi ghat. Behind them a motor rickshaw pulls up. Salim, Shankar and a couple of the street kids from the Taj leap out. Within seconds, the Mercedes is up on bricks and the wheels are being removed. Salim takes a hacksaw to the Mercedes badge on the bonnet, whilst urging the others on. SALIM Ar?, sala! Formula One, Formula One! Pit-stop ka speed, Schumacher ka ishtyle The crowds in the lane barely notice as the car is stripped of all its parts. SALIM (CONT'D) Go, go! A shout from the top of the lane and the boys scatter, bouncing the four wheels at speed down the lane. Jamal, the Indian driver and the two Americans return. They stop in front of the denuded car. CLARK Woah. What happened here? Suddenly the Indian driver is slapping Jamal ferociously around the head with one of his shoes. DRIVER I give you two tight slaps, mader chod! JAMAL I don't know! I didn't do it, did I...? Nothing to do with me...get off! But the beating continues, the driver kicking Jamal down onto the floor. The two Americans stare, uncertain what to do. ADELE Do something, Clark. CLARK Well, I- I dunno, I- Finally Clark intervenes, pulling the driver off Jamal. (CONTINUED) 51. 80 CONTINUED: (2) 80 CLARK (CONT'D) Okay, okay, just cool it. You're insured, aren't you? Jesus Christ... Jamal sits up. He is bleeding from his nose and mouth. CLARK (CONT'D) You okay? JAMAL You wanted to see the `real India', Mister David. Here it is. ADELE Well, here's a bit of the real America, too, son. Adele pulls out his wallet and rummages for dollars. 81 EXT. YAMUNA RIVER. NIGHT. 81 A battered Jamal limps along the river bank towards the Taj. He stops, bathes his swollen face in the river. Then looks up. Strange lights appear to emanate from the base of the monument. And then strange sounds. 82 EXT. TAJ MAHAL. NIGHT. 82 Jamal climbs a crumbling wall and is confronted with an opera taking place right under the dome. Gluck's Orfeo ed Euridice. Hundreds of India's smartest professionals are watching from banked seating on a scaffolding frame. 83 EXT. STANDS. NIGHT. 83 Jamal and a couple of street kids slip under the scaffolding supporting the banked seats. The street kids are trying to reach the hand-bags of the women above them. BOY (hissing) Oi, Jamal! There's a woman with no panties on over here. Jamal reaches up and easily lifts a wallet from a man's trouser pocket. On stage, the actors start singing. Jamal seems to have forgotten the wallet and stares, mesmerised, at the stage. WOMAN Why don't you put it back and listen to the music? (CONTINUED) 52. 83 CONTINUED: 83 Jamal starts, makes to run, but the woman who spoke holds out a cigarette. A Canadian back-packer is sitting, staring at the singers. WOMAN (CONT'D) It's called Orfeo. Orpheus and Eurydice. Orpheus- that one there- is looking for his lover, Eurydice. She died, but he can't live without her. She hands him a cigarette. He puts the wallet back. She smiles at him and they both turn to the stage. WOMAN (CONT'D) The pain is so bad that he goes to the underworld- the place we go when we die- to try to get her back. JAMAL You can't do that. Can you? WOMAN (shrugging) You can in opera. JAMAL Does he find her? WOMAN Watch and see. Jamal watches as Orpheus sings one of the most beautiful pieces of music a human is likely to hear. Tears are running down Jamal's cheeks. 84 EXT. YAMUNA RIVER. NIGHT. 84 Salim, Shankar, Jamal and the Taj Gang are gathered around a campfire. All of them wear extraordinary foot- wear of one form or another, from elaborate high heels to walking boots five sizes too large. A home-made hooka pipe is being passed around the fire. The eyes of the children have long since stopped focussing. Salim is sporting a Mercedes Benz badge on a chain around his neck. Behind him, Jamal appears, his face swollen. He takes off his fake Guide's Badge and throws it in the fire. SALIM Woah! What are you- Jamal? JAMAL We have to go, Salim. SALIM Go? Go where? (CONTINUED) 53. 84 CONTINUED: 84 JAMAL Bombay. SALIM Don't be stupid. We're making good money here. JAMAL We should have gone a long time ago. Salim turns to Shankar with sudden understanding. SALIM Oh, God. Baby brother's in love. With a flat-chested hijra. JAMAL Latika was one of us. A musketeer. SALIM A musketeer...Grow up, Jamal. Look, how was I to know they'd beat you up. Here, you can have some of the cash. Come on... JAMAL I've got cash. He rips out a wad of dollar bills from his pocket. JAMAL (CONT'D) Dollars. SALIM How much? JAMAL Enough. I'm getting my stuff. He walks off. SALIM Wait! Jamal! Ah, shit! He gets up, kicks the fire in rage and stomps after Jamal. 85 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 85 Prem leans back in his chair. PREM So, my friend: ready for another question. (CONTINUED) 54. 85 CONTINUED: 85 JAMAL Yes. Prem presses his computer. The lights dim again, the music comes up. PREM For a straight one million rupees, Ladies and Gentlemen...On an American One Hundred Dollar Bill there is a portrait of which American statesman? Is it A), George Washington, B) Franklin Roosevelt, C) Benjamin Franklin, D) Abraham Lincoln? Silence from Jamal. PREM (CONT'D) Pay or play, Jamal? All you have to do is stop now and you walk away with a cool quarter of a million rupees. Decide to play, get the answer wrong and you walk away with absolutely nothing. But, get the answer right and you win a million rupees. So. You decide. Pay or play? A long pause. 86 INT. GALLERY. NIGHT. 86 DIRECTOR Okay, he hasn't got a clue. This is going to be a walk-away. Stand by. VISION MIXER No, he's going to play with him, first. 87 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 87 PREM Get a lot of hundred dollar bills in your line of work, Jamal? JAMAL The minimum tip for my services. Laughter from the audience. (CONTINUED) 55. 87 CONTINUED: 87 PREM Now I know why my cell phone bill is so high...they pay the chi-wallah in hundred dollar bills! JAMAL It's C. Benjamin Franklin. A gasp from the audience. Prem is caught off-guard. PREM Woah! We haven't locked the computer, man. You're going to play? JAMAL I think I just have. Haven't I? PREM You certainly have. C. Right? JAMAL Right. C. PREM Not confusing your Franklins? Benjamin for Roosevelt? JAMAL I've never heard of Roosevelt Franklin. PREM There's a million rupees at stake and he's never heard of Roosevelt Franklin...I can't bear to look. He gives this one to the audience who titter on cue. Jamal looks confused. PREM (CONT'D) No, no. Don't you worry, Jamal. You were asked which statesman is depicted on a hundred dollar bill. You said C. Benjamin Franklin. Ladies and Gentlemen... He presses the computer, pretends to ruminate for a while with his finger pressed to his lips. PREM (CONT'D) Jamal Malik- you chose to play not pay. I'm afraid you no longer have two hundred and fifty thousand rupees.... (CONTINUED) 56. 87 CONTINUED: (2) 87 Prem leans over and tears up the cheque. There is a sigh of disappointment from the audience, a look of confusion on Jamal's face. PREM (CONT'D) in fact have one million rupees! Wild applause from the audience. Jamal allows himself a genuine smile. 88 INT. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. DAY. 88 The Inspector pulls out a note from his wallet. Glances at it. INSPECTOR Who's on the thousand rupee note? JAMAL I don't know. He waves the note at him. INSPECTOR It's Gandhi! JAMAL I've heard of him. The Inspector kicks his chair. INSPECTOR Don't get clever or I'll get the electricity out again. JAMAL They didn't ask me that question. I don't know why. Ask them. The Inspector stares hard at Jamal. INSPECTOR Funny, you don't seem that interested in money. Then, Constable Srinivas stomps back into the office, sweat pouring from him. CONSTABLE SRINIVAS Platform Seventeen- Has to consult his notebook. (CONTINUED) 57. 88 CONTINUED: 88 CONSTABLE SRINIVAS (CONT'D) A statue of Frederick Stevens, architect and builder of Victoria Terminus in - INSPECTOR OF POLICE - yes, yes, Srinivas. The hundred dollar bill. 89 EXT. BOMBAY. DAY. 89 From a thousand feet in the sky, looking down on the limitless megatropolis of Mumbai. Half-built sky- scrapers, slums, factories, roads, trains. JAMAL V/O Bombay had turned into Mumbai. We descend, down until the lines of ants become people. JAMAL V/O (CONT'D) The orphanage had gone, the slum had gone, the people.... all gone. And everywhere was building, building, building. Descending even further, we pick out a construction site and then Jamal.... 90 EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE. DAY. 90 ..who is staring through a wire fence at the construction site. JAMAL V/O But I knew she was here. Somewhere she was here. He turns away, then something catches his eye. Underneath all the scraps of flyers and posters on a broken wall is a corner of something that Jamal recognises. He tears back a poster. Underneath, faded but recognisable is one of their beanbag graffiti advertisements. 91 EXT. SLUM. NIGHT. 91 Jamal asks a group of stall-holders on the slum main street. They shrug, aren't interested. The camera pulls up and up until Jamal is nothing but a dot wandering the maze of lanes, railways and highways, one among endless millions of people. JAMAL V/O Evenings, I searched. Days, I worked. 58. 92 EXT. HOTEL. DAY. 92 Jamal wanders up to the rickshaw drivers parked outside the hotel. He stops and asks a question. The drivers shake their heads. Jamal continues up the steps towards a door, exhausted face and grubby clothes walking straight towards camera. He goes through the door and immediately.... 93 INT. HOTEL. FOYER. DAY. 93, without breaking step in a slightly grubby white uniform. He walks across the echoing, marble floor of a struggling four-star hotel, goes through double doors.... 94 INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR. DAY. 94 ...into a corridor that is devoid of carpet, paint- anything except a phone on the bare wall and a stool. The phone is ringing. Jamal sits on the stool and answers the phone. JAMAL Room service, good afternoon?... Yes, sir. Two chicken burgers, two fries, one cocoa-cola and one mango lassi and a large bottle of mineral water...Bisleri or Himalayan Spring, Sir?...Certainly, Sir. That will be with you in fifteen minutes, Sir. Thank you. Have a nice day. He hangs up and goes through another set of doors... 95 INT. HOTEL KITCHENS. DAY. 95 a cramped kitchen with definite hygiene problems. The cooks are playing carom on the table while under it Salim is dozing. JAMAL Two chicken burgers, coke, mango lassi and a bottle of Bisleri. Dozily, Salim gets up and takes a look behind one of the fridges. He chases out a chicken with a desultory kick and sorts through some empty mineral water bottles until he finds a Bisleri bottle. Salim fills the bottle of mineral water from the tap and begins delicately re- sealing the tamper-proof lid with super-glue. Jamal collects cutlery and starts laying out a tray. (CONTINUED) 59. 95 CONTINUED: 95 JAMAL (CONT'D) I'm going to Chowpatti again, okay? Want to come? SALIM For God's sake. You got some disease? You force me back to this shit-hole, we leave our friends, a good life, loads of money- for this. Isn't that enough? JAMAL We came back to find her. SALIM No, you did, Jamal, not me. Me, I don't give a shit about her. Plenty of pussy in Bombay for Salim. Oh, yes, sir! You should come down the Cages on Saturday night instead of searching for your lost love. JAMAL I'm going to Chowpatti. SALIM (impersonating Ram) "I'm going to Chowpatti". There are nineteen million people in this city, Jamal. Forget her. She's history. JAMAL V/O But she wasn't. 96 EXT. BANDRA BANDSTAND. DAY. 96 Jamal is dodging the traffic at a busy junction. He moves around the beggars who are working the cars. Then he hears singing. He looks around, suddenly panicked. It is a siren song drawing him across the road, not even noticing that he is narrowly run down by a couple of cars, to a traffic island underneath a flyover. He turns a corner and there is the singer, leaning up against one of the struts of the flyover. Arvind. Older now, just like Jamal, a fourteen year-old boy. But eye- less. Jamal freezes. He approaches Arvind and waits until he has finished singing. Despite his eyeless sockets, Arvind appears to know somebody is there. He turns and bows low, putting his hands together. ARVIND Namaste, Sahib. Any kindness you give will be repaid in heaven many times. (CONTINUED) 60. 96 CONTINUED: 96 Jamal gets a couple of notes out of his pocket and puts them into Arvind's outstretched hand. He feels the notes with his fingers. ARVIND (CONT'D) A fifty. And a hundred! Blessings upon you, Sahib. JAMAL How do you know? ARVIND There are many ways of seeing. Arvind puts his hands together and bows deep again. Then, Jamal takes his shoe off and gets out a hundred dollar bill. JAMAL Here. Jamal crouches down and puts the bill into Arvind's hand. His fingers feel it. He sniffs it. ARVIND Dollars. But how many? JAMAL One hundred. ARVIND Now you are playing with me, Sahib. JAMAL No. I swear. ARVIND What is on it? The pictures. Tell me. JAMAL A building. With a clock on it. Trees behind it. ARVIND The other side. Turn it over. JAMAL A man- it doesn't say his name. He is sort of bald, but has long hair on the sides. ARVIND (smiling) Benjamin Franklin. My God, my God. Thank you, Sahib. You were generous the first time. But this... (CONTINUED) 61. 96 CONTINUED: (2) 96 He stops. Suspects. ARVIND (CONT'D) And without even a song? A long pause. Arvind keeps hold of Jamal's arm. ARVIND (CONT'D) So you are rich, now, are you, Jamal? I am happy for you. JAMAL I am so sorry, Arvind. ARVIND You got away. I didn't. That is all. No, no tears. Tears mock me all the more. JAMAL Arvind, I am looking for- ARVIND - how's your voice, Jamal? JAMAL I don't know. I haven't sung since- since then. Arvind, I- ARVIND - and your eyes? JAMAL (surprised) My eyes? My eyes are fine. ARVIND Then stay away, chutiy?, and count your blessings every morning you open them and see the sun rising. You owe Maman. He doesn't forget. JAMAL I owe Latika. Arvind shakes his head angrily. JAMAL (CONT'D) Please. Is she alive? Arvind, is she alive? ARVIND Alive? Oh, she's alive alright. It's your life, Jamal. Pila Street. They call her Cherry, now. (CONTINUED) 62. 96 CONTINUED: (3) 96 JAMAL Thank you. Jamal heads off through the traffic. Arvind shouts after him. ARVIND I will sing at your funeral, yaar. 97 EXT. PILA STREET. NIGHT. 97 Dark, crowded streets. Gangs of women stand outside the doorways or lean out of upstairs windows. They are garishly-dressed prostitutes varying in age from 13 to 60. Men wander past, eying the possibilities, exchanging lewd comments with them. Among the hordes on the pavement are Jamal and Salim. They pass doorway after doorway of narrow rooms where prostitutes wait for customers. Jamal and Salim stop at each group of women, Salim taking the lead, clearly asking them something, as the women either shrug or offer them something lewd- judging by the laughter that follows. But one woman in a narrow doorway points down the street. Jamal has to drag a reluctant Salim away from the group. 98 INT. BROTHEL. NIGHT. 98 They go into one of the tiny houses. Loud Filmi music comes from upstairs. They are confronted by a woman in her fifties watching tv. She is less than interested. SALIM I'm looking for Cherry. WOMAN No, kid. Not available. Plenty of others. Take a look. She indicates curtained cubicles behind him. SALIM I'm Latika's brother. The Woman looks at him properly for the first time. WOMAN She's still not on the menu. Choose someone else or piss off. Then, Jamal pulls out some rupee notes. JAMAL Just two minutes to talk to her. She takes the money, counts it. (CONTINUED) 63. 98 CONTINUED: 98 WOMAN Two minutes. She nods upwards. Salim and Jamal head up the dark, tiny staircase. The Woman picks up the phone on her desk. 99 INT. LANDING. NIGHT. 99 On the tiny landing, Salim and Jamal pull back a curtain to reveal a humping couple. They move on, past more women lying on their beds or blankly having sex, not in the least perturbed to be interrupted. They reach the end of the landing. From the other side of the door comes the filmi music. Jamal puts his eye to one of the gaps in the slatted door. Through it he can see glimpses of a girl dancing to the music. Latika; though not the rag-picker of before. Now fifteen, she is a beautiful young woman and dressed in a revealing, turquoise, silk sari. SALIM Is it her or not? He shoves Jamal out of the way and watches. SALIM (CONT'D) Shit, she's sexy, man.... Then the music stops, an effeminate man steps into the limited frame Salim can see and snaps a stick down hard on Latika's hand. DANCE TEACHER Smile! Flow, flow! You entice with the hands not make chapattis, you gawaar. Again. The man starts the music again and Latika's hands flow elegantly around her head. DANCE TEACHER (CONT'D) Lift your feet, you lump. Stop, stop! The stick is raised to hit her but Jamal opens the door. 100 INT. BROTHEL. NIGHT. 100 She can barely believe her eyes. LATIKA Jamal? The Dance Teacher turns. (CONTINUED) 64. 100 CONTINUED: 100 DANCE TEACHER What the hell do you want? He switches off the music. JAMAL Come. Quick. But Latika remains fixed. DANCE TEACHER You silly little boys. Get out now while you can. JAMAL Come with us. Latika runs to Jamal. But she freezes as she looks at the doorway. Maman, Punnoose and the Woman from downstairs stand there. The skin around Punnoose's eye bears the blisters from the chloroform burn years ago. MAMAN Look who we have here, Punnoose. Hello again, Jamal. Salim. Never forget a face. Especially one that I own. PUNNOOSE Shall I take them to the marshes? MAMAN Whatever you like. Have fun. Just make sure that you dispose of them properly afterwards. No traces, thank you. He turns to Jamal. MAMAN (CONT'D) You really thought you could just walk in and take my prize away? Have you any idea how much this little virgin is worth, bhen chod? He fingers Latika's hair. MAMAN (CONT'D) Get them out of here. Punnoose and the Muscle walk towards Jamal. Maman turns to the Dance Teacher as they grab his arms. MAMAN (CONT'D) Please continue, Master-ji. The Dance Teacher puts the music back on. (CONTINUED) 65. 100 CONTINUED: (2) 100 SALIM No. Suddenly, Salim is holding a pistol. SALIM (CONT'D) Leave him. Get over there. Punnoose and the Muscle slowly release Jamal and join Maman. MAMAN Let's not be foolish, Salim. Heavy, aren't they? Salim straightens up his gun arm. SALIM Money. MAMAN You can have money. Here. Maman gets out his wallet and throws all the money in it on the floor. MAMAN (CONT'D) Take it. Go. Disappear with your friend and we'll forget all about this. Okay? Salim collects up the money. SALIM Maman never forgets. Isn't that right? MAMAN Oh, Maman can make an exception. Salim walks over to the music, turns it up. Picks up a cushion from the bed and walks right up to Maman. SALIM Can't take that risk, Maman. Sorry. He wraps the cushion around the gun and pulls the trigger. Or tries to. Nothing happens. There is a frozen moment as they watch him fail to shoot. Everybody watches with surreal interest as Salim fumbles with the pistol. Eventually he looks up, giggles stupidly. SALIM (CONT'D) Safety catch. Shrugs apologetically and shoots. Nobody is more surprised than Maman who crumples onto the floor. (CONTINUED) 66. 100 CONTINUED: (3) 100 Latika starts desperately gathering up the notes on the floor, grabs Maman's wallet. Jamal just stands. SALIM (CONT'D) Come on. They run out of the room and down the stairs as Maman dies on the floor in front of his frozen colleagues. 101 EXT. CHOWPATTY BEACH. DUSK. 101 Children are splashing in the sea, flying kites, digging sand, laughing. Salim, Latika and Jamal are crouched on the shore watching the sun sink into the sea. Latika is going through Maman's wallet, Salim is fingering the pistol, admiringly. Jamal is staring out to sea. Each in their own world, yet sharing swigs from a bottle of Johnny Walker. LATIKA Shit, there's thousands here. SALIM We should be celebrating. JAMAL You just killed somebody. SALIM He was going to kill us. JAMAL Where did you get the gun? SALIM Bought it. Now, I'm going to have to throw this beauty in the sea. LATIKA You didn't need to kill him. SALIM What? Typical. I save your life and you're on at me. All you ever do is mess us up. Whenever you're around- JAMAL - shut up, can't you? Just shut up. Silence. SALIM Why can't you just be happy, huh? (CONTINUED) 67. 101 CONTINUED: 101 JAMAL Happy? SALIM You got what you wanted, didn't you? So, let's celebrate. LATIKA Yeah. Let's celebrate. She takes a long swig from the bottle. LATIKA (CONT'D) While we can. She nudges Jamal and holds the bottle out to him. Smiles at him. He smiles back, shakes the black dog from his head and takes a long, long drink. Latika and Salim cheer. 101A EXT. TULIP STAR. NIGHT. 101A Latika, Salim and Jamal bend back a bit of the wire mesh fence that protects the deserted hotel. Crawl in. 102 INT. TULIP STAR. LOBBY. NIGHT. 102 A very wobbly Latika, Salim and Jamal walk up the frozen escalators of the empty hotel, lit only by security lights. Kick through the odd pile of rubbish and stacked-up chairs. Go to the dusty reception desk. JAMAL Service! SALIM Reception! JAMAL We want a room, boy. Executive Class with smoking. Third floor with balcony. LATIKA Sea-facing, yaar. SALIM Have the bags brought up. And they scoot off, giggling into the dark. 102A INT. TULIP STAR. KITCHENS. NIGHT. 102A Jamal and Latika wander the vast, empty kitchens. Jamal searches the empty chillers and cabinets. Then, realises that he is alone. (CONTINUED) 68. 102A CONTINUED: 102A JAMAL Latika? Salim? Where are they? Suddenly, LATIKA Room service! She comes shooting out of the darkness across the kitchen floor riding a trolley with Salim pushing her at top speed. Jamal has to skid out of the way. He grabs another trolley and glides off in pursuit. 102B INT. TULIP STAR. CORRIDOR. NIGHT. 102B The three stand by a mirror and play with their reflections. 102C INT. TULIP STAR. HOTEL LOBBY. LATER. 102C On top of the metal preparation counters, Salim and Jamal are fencing: Jamal with a fish slice and Salim with a large spoon. 103 INT. HOTEL ROOM. NIGHT. 103 An empty, dusty hotel suite. Jamal is on the phone. JAMAL 307 here. I want a bottle of Johnny Walker Red Label, beer, wine- LATIKA - chicken. JAMAL Ah! Chicken.... Jamal closes his eyes at the wonderful thought. JAMAL (CONT'D) What kind of chicken? LATIKA (also dreaming) Tikka Masala. With roti- SALIM Naan, chutney, dal- LATIKA - aloo gobi, rice- She stops. Change of mind. (CONTINUED) 69. 103 CONTINUED: 103 LATIKA (CONT'D) Pop Tarts! JAMAL Hold the line, chutiye. Pop Tarts? LATIKA On the tv. The commercial. Everybody's happy when they have Pop Tarts. JAMAL Exactly! A bucket of Pop Tarts, chutiye. Jamal slams down the phone. 104 INT. HOTEL ROOM. LATER. 104 Latika is clearly in the shower. Jamal wanders in carrying an old pair of lunghi. Shouts through the door. JAMAL Found some lunghi! LATIKA V/O Stay there. Look away. The shower stops. JAMAL Atcha, atcha. LATIKA V/O I'll know if you're looking.... JAMAL I'm not! With a towel around her, Latika comes to the doorway where Jamal is holding out a the lunghi with his eyes tight shut. JAMAL (CONT'D) Where's Salim? LATIKA Dunno. She watches this innocent a second with true fondness. LATIKA (CONT'D) You're a sweet boy, Jamal. (CONTINUED) 70. 104 CONTINUED: 104 She takes the lunghi from his outstretched hand and disappears into the bathroom, slamming the door with a giggle. 105 EXT. MUMBAI SLUM STREET. NIGHT. 105 Salim wanders the crowded streets of a slum. He stops uncertainly at a doorway where a group of men are lolling, smoking. Plucks up his courage. SALIM I'm looking for Javed-bhai. MAN Ja, mada chod. He's not looking for you. Ja! SALIM I need to see him. The group of men stir, irritated now. Salim begins to back away, then stops. Pulls the gun from behind his back. SALIM (CONT'D) I killed Maman. I'll kill you too. Easy. The group are frozen. JAVED You killed him? Javed is standing in the doorway. JAVED (CONT'D) My enemy's enemy is my friend, no? So, come in, friend. 106 INT. HOTEL ROOM. LATER. 106 Jamal and Latika lie on the bed, drunk, though still coherent. Latika is dressed in the Bell-Boy's jacket and the old lunghi. LATIKA Maman's gang will hunt us. You know that? JAMAL I don't care. LATIKA Me neither. They burst into stupid laughter. The laughter subsides. (CONTINUED) 71. 106 CONTINUED: 106 JAMAL That dance you were doing. In Pila Street. Show me. Latika rolls over and switches off the light. Rolls back. In the half light, her hands begin to move for Jamal, the elegant, alluring hand movements of the bar- girl dancers. Jamal stares, mesmerised. LATIKA You came back for me. JAMAL Of course. LATIKA I thought you'd forgotten. AMIR I never forgot. Not for one day. I knew I'd find you in the end. It's our destiny. LATIKA Destiny. Yes. Latika stops her hands. They stare at each other, their faces inches away from each other. Latika strokes Jamal's face. LATIKA (CONT'D) Thank you. And face to face, they slowly fall asleep. 107 INT. HOTEL ROOM. LATER. 107 SALIM Hey. Jamal opens his eyes. Salim is standing over them, swaying with alcohol. JAMAL Salim? He puts his hand out to Latika. SALIM Come. JAMAL No. Salim....Bhai, you've had a lot to drink... Jamal tries to get up, but Salim's hand is round his throat and pushes him down on the bed. (CONTINUED) 72. 107 CONTINUED: 107 SALIM I am the elder. And I am the boss. For once, you do as I say. JAMAL No. Salim pulls Latika to her feet. SALIM I saved your bloody life, didn't I? LATIKA Salim, please- SALIM - chup, sali. As he turns, pulling a protesting Latika, Jamal leaps on him. The two brothers go down fighting, but of course it is Salim who comes up on top. Latika launches herself at Salim, but he smashes her away, almost delighted that she has joined in. He drags Jamal to the door, laughing. 108 INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR. NIGHT. 108 Salim throws him out into the corridor, slams the door. SALIM I am Number One now! JAMAL Salim, no, no....! SALIM Get yourself a room, bhai. Salim slams the door. Jamal gets up, bangs on the door, keeps on banging until the door opens and Salim stands there with the pistol pointing straight at Jamal's head. SALIM (CONT'D) The man with the Colt 45 says chup. He shoves Jamal hard down the corridor, the gun pointed at him all the while. JAMAL Salim... Salim nods towards the fire escape door. (CONTINUED) 73. 108 CONTINUED: 108 SALIM Now go. Or Gunmaster G-9 will shoot you right between the eyes. Boom. Don't think he won't. You have five seconds. One, two, three, four- Salim cocks the pistol. Jamal screws up his eyes for the inevitable. But Salim shoves him out with a roar and slams the door. Jamal bangs on the door. JAMAL O/S Salim... Salim walks slowly back down the corridor as Jamal bangs and bangs on the door. Down the hall, Salim's door shuts. 109 INT. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. DAY. 109 The Inspector is staring hard at Jamal. Srinivas is desperately trying to get his attention. CONSTABLE SRINIVAS Sir, sir! INSPECTOR (eventually) Enlighten us Constable. CONSTABLE SRINIVAS Accessory to murder, Sir. The Inspector puts his hands in the air, palms up. Simple. INSPECTOR Only the finest minds in the Mumbai Police Force. Untroubled by irony, Srinivas looks extremely pleased. INSPECTOR (CONT'D) Go check the files, Constable. Srinivas goes out. INSPECTOR (CONT'D) You puzzle me, Slumdog. Admitting murder to avoid a charge of fraud is not exactly clever thinking. Now, why would you do that? Jamal shrugs. (CONTINUED) 74. 109 CONTINUED: 109 JAMAL When somebody asks me a question, I tell them the answer. 110 EXT. TULIP STAR. MORNING. 110 At the gate, a Security Guard is sitting in his chair. JAMAL Where are they? The Guard grunts. JAMAL (CONT'D) Where did they go? A more impatient grunt from the Guard. He stands up, walks towards Jamal. JAMAL (CONT'D) Please, Sir. Which way? SECURITY GUARD I don't know and I don't care. The Guard raises his stick and gives him a roar. Jamal backs away onto the street. The Guard slams the gate shut. Jamal looks despairingly up and down the street at the teeming traffic, the crowds. PREM V/O Ready for another question. JAMAL V/O Yes. I'm ready. 111 OMITTED 111 112 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 112 We are back in the Studio. PREM For two and a half million rupees. Ladies and Gentlemen. Cambridge Circus is in which UK City. Is it A) Oxford, B) Leeds, C) Cambridge, D) London. Jamal smiles. PREM (CONT'D) He's smiling. Why does that worry me? 75. 113 EXT. MUMBAI. DAY. 113 Leaden skies. Torrential rain is hammering on the tin roofs of the slum. 114 INT. SHACK. DAY. 114 Eighteen year-old Jamal's eyes open. Now with the beginnings of a beard and moustache, Jamal wakes in a tiny shack just big enough for a mattress on the floor. He pulls on a shirt, lifts the mattress and takes out his trousers which have been pressing there all night, puts them over his shoulder, picks up his shoes and goes down a ladder. 115 INT. SHACK. DAY. 115 He descends into a room and two feet of water that is eddying around the ground floor of the shack. Wades out of the door into the narrow lane of the slum. 116 EXT. SLUM. DAY. 116 Jamal nods hello to a number of neighbours, also bare- legged, also with their shoes in hand. Together, they wade to higher ground, put on their trousers and shoes and trudge up to the main road. 117 INT. CALL CENTRE. NIGHT. 117 Ultra-modern, glass-windowed office. The words Cultural Studies are written on the white board. Jamal walks in with a tray of glasses of chi. He puts a glass down on the young, hip, Teacher's desk and heads out again. TEACHER Okay, guys, it's been a big week in UK. Kat is back. He holds up a copy of Radio Times showing Kat from East Enders smiling at them. A collective groan from the Trainees. BARDI She's already back. TEACHER Bardi...Jamal? JAMAL Oh. Well. She did come back, then she went away when Alfie split up with her and now she's back again. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 76. 117 CONTINUED: 117 JAMAL (CONT'D) But it looks as if Alfie still fancies Mo after all, so- TEACHER - thank you, Jamal. Keep up, Bardi. The chi-wallah knows more than you. Bardi glares at Jamal. Jamal shrugs apologetically and goes out. TEACHER (CONT'D) Okay, it's been super-duper hot for UK this week, so there'll be a lot of chat about that- they love their weather- and there's the festival in Edinburgh- Edinburgh? He points at a young woman Trainee. NASREEN Scotland. Kilts, castles, err, haggis? Porridge, the Highlands, mountains. Ben- Ben Nevis? The Teacher points at another Trainee. TRAINEE 2 Detective Taggart. Whisky, Sean Connery! TEACHER And lochs. Their word for lakes. Good. It's also double bonus time for an upgrade to the `friends and family' package this week, so remember to push for an upgrade... EVERYONE ...Every Call! Jamal walks out, turns a corner. 118 INT. CALL CENTRE. UK FLOOR. NIGHT. 118 We are confronted with a room you could swing a Boeing in. Rows and rows of Operators in tiny booths stretch into the distance. On the walls are pictures of London, Tony Blair, red telephone boxes, the Yorkshire Dales, the Highlands- a snapshot of tourist Britain. Huge posters of soap stars and celebrities adorn the rest of the walls. Slogans hang from the ceiling. "When the sun comes up, you'd better be running", "you snooze, you lose", "Upgrade for a better, faster life." "Every call is a new opportunity". (CONTINUED) 77. 118 CONTINUED: 118 Each section of the room has a banner with a British city's name on it and various mock sign-posts for the different aisles. A Manager under the banner "Bradford", is standing over an Operator, listening in on a call. The Manager leans over and presses a key. MANAGER If they want an upgrade, a new tariff or we're stealing them from the other networks, you take the call. Anything else- He mimes cutting his throat. MANAGER (CONT'D) No time-wasters on Team Bradford, kid. Leave that to the homosexuals on Tunbridge Wells. Jamal stops by him. The Manager takes a glass of tea from Jamal. MANAGER (CONT'D) Where've you been? Dave on Cornmarket's virtually lost his voice, there's two on Ilkley Moor who've had their hands up for hours. Come on, move it! Jamal hurries down the aisle signposted "Cornmarket", gets to a male trainee and hands him a tea. Dave glances around to check nobody's looking and slips off his head-set. DAVE Two minutes, Jamal. I'm on "Millionaire" duty. JAMAL Rajneesh... DAVE It's my turn, Jamal. I've had my pee breaks. Please. If he comes just keep your head down and pretend you're doing an upgrade on the- JAMAL - `friends and family'. I know. Jamal still looks unwilling. JAMAL (CONT'D) Two minutes. (CONTINUED) 78. 118 CONTINUED: (2) 118 Dave heads off towards a Rest and Recreation room, where a big plasma screen on the wall is showing "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire."Jamal grabs the jacket from the back of Dave's chair, puts the head-set on and hunches over the booth, just another Operative at work. We become aware that every operator down the Cornmarket aisle- and quite a few other aisles besides- is staring in the direction of the Rest and Recreation Room. 119 INT. REST AND RECREATION ROOM. NIGHT. 119 Dave is watching the screen. PREM ...if you want a chance to be a contestant on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, dial the number now. Dave dives for the doorway and waves. 120 INT. CALL CENTRE. UK FLOOR. NIGHT. 120 Suddenly all the operators are dialling. Almost simultaneously, twenty or so voices say. OPERATORS I'd like to be a contestant on Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Most of the Operators- including the man next to Jamal- suddenly lose their tension. OPERATOR Bloody bastard. I never get it. JAMAL You have to dial when Prem says "if". "If you want the chance to be a contestant on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire..." That's when they open the lines. The Operator looks at him. Jamal shrugs. JAMAL (CONT'D) That's what Anjum in Technical says. He put the system in. OPERATOR So why don't you? WOMAN V/O Hello? Hello? Have I been transferred again, for God's sake? (CONTINUED) 79. 120 CONTINUED: 120 Jamal freezes with fear. The head-set speaks again with its broad Scottish accent. WOMAN V/O (CONT'D) Hello? Jesus, God, will somebody talk to me? JAMAL Hello, Mrs... He stares at the computer. JAMAL (CONT'D) ...Mackintosh from King Gussie. WOMAN V/O (weary) It's Kingussie, love. Pronounced Kinoosie. JAMAL Kinoosie? WOMAN V/O So where are you from? Abroad, I bet. China or somewhere. What good is- JAMAL - just down the road from your house, Mrs Mackintosh. Next to the loch. WOMAN V/O (suspicious) Oh aye? Which loch? Jamal searches desperately around, spots a picture of Big Ben. JAMAL Loch Big- Loch Ben. Next door to Detective Taggart's flat. WOMAN V/O Loch Ben? Och, no, hen, that's one of the wee ones up in the Highlands. You're all the way up there? But I bet it rains, eh, hen? JAMAL Indeed yes, Mrs Mackintosh. I have to wade through a metre of water every morning. WOMAN V/O No! (CONTINUED) 80. 120 CONTINUED: (2) 120 JAMAL Yes, yes, Mrs Mackintosh. In my kilt. WOMAN V/O Och, no, hen. Jamal puts his feet on the desk. JAMAL It's alright once I've had my porridge, my haggis and a few Scotch whiskies- and the monsoon's nearly over, so- WOMAN V/O - and what monsoon would that be? I'd like to speak to your supervisor, son. JAMAL I don't think that's a good idea. He is a very important man, Mrs Mackintosh- WOMAN V/O - get me the supervisor on this line now- JAMAL - and he doesn't like bloody time wasters. Jamal panics, presses the button he saw the Manager press earlier. The screen goes blank, then reboots itself. Jamal looks around. Where the hell is Dave? On the screen, Jamal is faced with the question: "what name do you require?" He looks around again, and then with one finger types in the word "Latika". He presses enter. Hundred upon hundred of Latikas with their surnames and phone numbers scroll down the page. He erases her name and enters the name Salim K. Malik. Presses enter. Fifteen numbers come up. He stares at the numbers for a long time, then types it into his computer and presses dial. MAN V/O Yeah? JAMAL Salim? MAN V/O Who wants to know? Do you know what bloody time it is? Clearly not Jamal's brother. Jamal cuts the line. Dials the next number. (CONTINUED) 81. 120 CONTINUED: (3) 120 MAN V/O (CONT'D) Huh. Hello? Clearly not his Salim. He cuts the line. Dials again. SALIM V/O Hello? Hello? Who is this? But Jamal can't speak. SALIM V/O (CONT'D) Hey. Is someone screwing with me? Silence. SALIM V/O (CONT'D) Who is this? JAMAL I am calling from XL 5 Communications Sir. As a valued customer, we are offering you a free upgrade with our `friends and- Jamal's voice peters out. JAMAL (CONT'D) Family. SALIM V/O Jamal? Is that you? Brother? Where are you, man?...I thought you were dead or something...we had to go, Jamal. Maman's guys. They were searching the hotel...Jamal, say something. Please. There is another long silence. JAMAL Hello, Salim. 121 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 121 PREM Ever been to Cambridge? JAMAL No. PREM Ever been to the circus? (CONTINUED) 82. 121 CONTINUED: 121 JAMAL No. And I've never been to UK before. But I'll still have a go. Gasps and laughter from the audience. Jamal laughs and shrugs. JAMAL (CONT'D) Why not? Prem grips his heart theatrically. PREM Can someone call me an ambulance? 122 INT. CALL CENTRE. NIGHT. 122 A flash of a sign post reading `Oxford Circus', pointing down one of the aisles. The banner above that section of the warehouse reads `London'. CUT TO: Jamal hurrying down another `Kings Parade' carrying glasses of tea. He glances up to see a large banner that says `Cambridge'. CUT TO: Jamal comes back up an aisle named `Broad Street'. An Operator on the adjacent `The High' clicks his fingers for another cup. Jamal hurries under the sign marked `Oxford'. CUT TO: The signposts of the aisles come faster and faster `Pembroke Street', `Trafalgar Square', `East India Dock' and finally `Cambridge Circus'. PREM V/O So, Jamal.... 123 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 123 Jamal is sweating, his face scrunched up in thought. JAMAL I can't remember. PREM You can't remember. Does that mean you did know? Once? (CONTINUED) 83. 123 CONTINUED: 123 JAMAL I don't think it's Oxford. PREM Based on your extensive travelling, right? JAMAL (almost to himself) Well, Oxford has Broad Street, Saint Aldates, Turl Street, Queen Street, The High and Magdalene Bridge- which is pronounced Maudlin, so- He stops as he hears the surprised laughter of the audience. PREM I thought you hadn't been to UK. JAMAL Oh, I haven't. And it's not Leeds, because that's Elland Road, Kirkgate Market, Commercial Street, St Peter's- PREM (icy) - what might it be then, Jamal? JAMAL Well, I don't think it's Cambridge. PREM Cambridge Circus is not in Cambridge? Dare I ask why? JAMAL Too obvious. There's definitely an Oxford Circus in London, and there's a rowing race between Oxford and Cambridge so there's probably a Cambridge Circus too. I'll go for D) London. PREM That's the logic that's got him this far, Ladies and Gentlemen. Who are we to argue? So. Jamal. D. Apka final jawab? JAMAL (shrugs) If the Gods are with me...Final answer. D. (CONTINUED) 84. 123 CONTINUED: (2) 123 The lights dim, the music swells as Prem pushes the button on his computer. PREM Computer-ji, D lock kiya-jaye. More portentous music. PREM (CONT'D) It's been a rollercoaster ride all the way, a pleasure to have you on the show, my friend, but I'm sorry to say that you're....incredibly, absolutely right! Huge cheers and applause. Even Jamal laughs at this. He cannot quite believe it himself. PREM (CONT'D) Ladies and Gentlemen, Jamal Malik, the man with two and a half million rupees! More applause. Prem hands him a cheque. Jamal looks at it. Laughs again. PREM (CONT'D) A few hours ago, you were fetching tea for the phone- wallahs. Now you are richer than they ever will ever be. What a player, Ladies and Gentleman! What a player. The lights dim, the music swells. Prem consults his computer. PREM (CONT'D) For five million rupees, my friend: who invented the revolver? Was it A) Samuel Colt, B) Bruce Browning, C Dan Wesson or D) James Revolver? Dramatic pause. 124 INT. HOTEL. NIGHT. 124 A flash of Salim shooting Maman. Another flash of Salim in the doorway, holding the pistol up to Jamal's head. 125 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 125 JAMAL (suddenly) A). Samuel Colt. (CONTINUED) 85. 125 CONTINUED: 125 PREM A). Samuel Colt. Are you sure? Jamal nods. PREM (CONT'D) Final answer? JAMAL Final answer. The music swells again. Prem presses his computer. PREM You had two and a half million rupees. If I may-? He holds out his hand. Jamal hands him back the cheque. He tears the cheque in two. PREM (CONT'D) Ladies and Gentlemen, the chi- wallah has done it again! D. Is right! Incredible! Cheers and applause from the audience. 125A INT. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. NIGHT. 125A INSPECTOR Not that incredible. You'd just murdered somebody with a Colt 45, after all. JAMAL It was self-defence. INSPECTOR Let's call it manslaughter, then, shall we? 126 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 126 PREM Getting hot in here, isn't it? JAMAL (genuinely) Are you nervous? The audience laugh. Prem is momentarily flustered. PREM What? Am I nervous? You're the one who's in the hot seat, my friend. (CONTINUED) 86. 126 CONTINUED: 126 JAMAL Oh. Yes. Sorry. More laughter. 127 INT. GALLERY. NIGHT. 127 DIRECTOR Bloody hell. He's got Prem on the run... 128 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 128 Music, lights. Prem presses his computer. PREM What sports do you play? JAMAL None. PREM None. Oh, dear, oh dear, oh dear. Not to worry, there's only ten million rupees at stake... Which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history. Was it A) Sachin Tendulkar, B) Ricky Ponting, C) Michael Slater, D) Jack Hobbs. Prem allows the question to sink in. PREM (CONT'D) You've got a cheque for five million rupees in your hands. You've still got two life-lines, Phone A Friend and 50/50. For ten million rupees: pay, play, or bail out. It's still an option. Remember, if you get the answer wrong, you will lose everything like that. He clicks his fingers. PREM (CONT'D) Are you sure you want to do this? 129 EXT. CRICKET GROUND. DAY. 129 An Indian batsman hits a nicely-timed stroke, heads down the wicket for a single. Turns. The other batsman is taking a second run. (CONTINUED) 87. 129 CONTINUED: 129 The Indian tries to halt the other batsman with a shout, then succumbs to the inevitable and charges down the wicket. A fielder hurls the ball at the stumps. The bails fly off. 130 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 130 JAMAL I'll play. Tense laughter from the audience. Prem holds up the cheque. Jamal nods. Prem tears it up slowly. Allows the pieces to fall to the floor. PREM The dreams of so many. On the floor. 131 EXT. TOWER BLOCK. DAY. 131 Jamal is riding the construction lift to the top of a high building, still just a shell but buzzing with carpenters, bricklayers, cable-layers. The lift stops at the top. Jamal gets out. Looks around. He is miles up. Alone. SALIM Jamal! Jamal looks around. There is Salim standing on the edge of the building. He saunters over to Jamal, his arms outstretched in theatrical greeting. He is groomed, expensively dressed with the best mobile money can buy dangling from a gold chain around his neck. SALIM (CONT'D) God is good, bhai. God is good. He tries to embrace Jamal. With as much force as he can muster, Jamal punches him in the face. Salim takes it. Stands there. Wipes blood from his lip. Gets another punch. Then another and another, not even defending himself, until he is being beaten back by a raging Jamal towards the edge of the building. Finally, he tries to reason with Jamal SALIM (CONT'D) Maman's boys were after us. Had to skip. Jamal keeps on beating him back. JAMAL Liar. (CONTINUED) 88. 131 CONTINUED: 131 SALIM Left a message at reception. Waited weeks for you in Nagpur. JAMAL There was no message at reception. SALIM Bhai, I left a message. Salim opens his arms, defenceless. It would take one, small push to send him over the edge. There is a moment, when Jamal might. He even has his hands on his chest. JAMAL I will never forgive you. SALIM I know. The fury in Jamal subsides minutely. Finally, he turns away with a roar of frustration. Salim hangs his head. 131A EXT. TOWER BLOCK. LATER. 131A Jamal and Salim are sitting on the very edge of the building. They can see for miles across the city. Salim has rediscovered his attitude. SALIM Can you believe it? This was our slum. We lived just there, huh? Now it is business, apartments, call centres...Fuck USA, fuck China. India is at the centre of the world, now, bhai. And I am at the centre of the centre, Jamal. This is all Javed-bhai's. JAMAL Javed Mehta? The Gangster from our slum? You work for him? SALIM Who else would protect us from Maman's gang, huh? JAMAL What do you do for him? SALIM Anything he asks. Salim's mobile rings. Salim is immediately subservient on the phone. Rings off. (CONTINUED) 89. 131A CONTINUED: 131A SALIM (CONT'D) He is coming. You must go. My card. He hands Jamal a card. JAMAL What for? SALIM You think I am going to let you out of my sight again, little brother? You stay with me now. Ab phut! JAMAL Salim, where's Latika? SALIM Still? She's gone, Jamal. Long gone. Now go. Quick. Jamal gets up, hurries away, hidden behind piles of building materials just as Javed appears in his flash suit and jewelry. Three of his young henchmen walk alongside. 132 INT. SALIM'S APARTMENT. NIGHT. 132 Jamal is asleep on a mattress on the floor of a smart apartment. A mobile phone rings. The muffled sound of Salim talking quietly next door. Then, Salim creeps into the room, checks to see Jamal is asleep, unlocks a desk drawer and brings out his pistol. He puts it in a hold-all and goes out the front door. Jamal's eyes snap open. He has seen it all. JAMAL V/O Slum dogs never sleep, only nap. He would disappear for a couple of days and come back changed. Sometimes elated- 133 INT. SALIM'S APARTMENT. NIGHT. 133 The door bangs open and a giggling-drunk, half-naked Bar Girl drags the sleeping Jamal up and into the bathroom. BAR GIRL He has flipped! I can't do anything with him.... Salim is in the bath, bathing, literally, in money. (CONTINUED) 90. 133 CONTINUED: 133 SALIM Look at it, bhai, look at it! 134 INT. SALIM'S APARTMENT. DAWN. 134 JAMAL V/O Sometimes the opposite. Jamal creeps towards Salim's bedroom door. He pushes it open a fraction to see Salim crouched on the floor in prayer, sobbing quietly. SALIM (whispering) A? khuda mujh? baksh d? main? bahut gunaah kiy? hain.... JAMAL V/O But younger brothers don't interfere. Mostly. 135 EXT. SALIM'S APARTMENT. DAY. 135 Salim comes out of his apartment block. Gets into his jeep. Drives off. Doesn't notice Jamal in the motor rickshaw that pulls out and follows him. 136 EXT. JAVED'S BUNGALOW. DAY. 136 Salim approaches a gate-house to a large bungalow. The Door-Keeper nods to him, rings a bell. From the rickshaw, Jamal watches a woman come to the door. Latika. Eighteen, completely beautiful and rich. She hands Salim a package and goes back inside. Salim gets in his jeep and drives away. 137 EXT. JAVED'S BUNGALOW. DAY. 137 Jamal approaches the Door-Keeper's gate-house. JAMAL Baba, I am the new cook from the agency. A thousand apologies, I am late for the Memsaab. The Door-Keeper grunts and goes inside. After a brief pause, he returns. DOOR-KEEPER She doesn't know anything about any cook. There's supposed to be a dishwasher being delivered. Know anything about that? (CONTINUED) 91. 137 CONTINUED: 137 JAMAL Baba, I am your dishwasher! The Door-keeper grunts at this attempt at humour. Latika appears at the gate. LATIKA Haven't I told you, don't interrupt when I'm watching- She looks at Jamal. Is silenced briefly. LATIKA (CONT'D) - come inside. I'll show you the kitchen. 138 INT. KITCHEN. DAY. 138 Latika and Jamal go into the kitchen. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire plays on the tv in the background. She turns and hugs him tight. They laugh with happiness. LATIKA (delighted) Jamal, Jamal, look at you...! Their heads are close, they might kiss. Then Latika turns away, stares out of the window. LATIKA (CONT'D) Ar? wa, Jamal.... Jamal smiles hopefully at her. But there is sadness in her now. She takes her sunglasses off, rubs her eyes. There is a bruise there. JAMAL You've hurt your eye. LATIKA Why are you here? JAMAL To see you. LATIKA Well. You see me. She stands there, challenging. On the tv, somebody is winning money. JAMAL Why does everyone love this programme? (CONTINUED) 92. 138 CONTINUED: 138 LATIKA It's the chance to escape, isn't it? Walk into another life. Doesn't everyone want that? JAMAL You have another life. A rich one. LATIKA Who'd have thought it possible? A slum dog, with all this. JAMAL Are you happy? LATIKA I have five star food, five star clothes. I sleep in a bed, not on the street. From where we come from, Jamal, that is happiness. JAMAL You don't look so happy with a black eye. LATIKA You turn up here out of nowhere, telling me I'm not happy: how dare you? Voices at the gate-house. LATIKA (CONT'D) God, Javed will kill you. Here. JAMAL Javed? You are with him? She throws him an apron. He gets it on just in time for Javed to walk in. Jamal turns away. JAVED First you want a dishwasher, now a bloody cook- LATIKA -I just thought- JAVED - chup. The cricket's on. Javed changes channel and dials on his mobile. JAVED (CONT'D) Why do you always watch that shit? Huh? I'm already a millionaire. (CONTINUED) 93. 138 CONTINUED: (2) 138 He laughs at his own joke. Turns to Jamal. JAVED (CONT'D) Well, come on then, Cook. I'm hungry. Get me a sandwich. JAMAL Immediately, Sir. Javed stares at Jamal a moment, trying to place a face he vaguely recognises. Then the Bookie comes on the line and he turns back to the television. JAVED Atcha... Latika hurries around the kitchen getting out bread and condiments, whispering while Javed talks on the phone. JAMAL Come away with me. LATIKA Chutiy?. Away where? And live on what? What can you provide? What have you got, Jamal? JAMAL Love. JAVED (on the mobile) ..yeah. He's on eighty-five. I want four lakh on him making a century. What are you giving?...Okay, make it five lakh. Javed pours himself a glass of whisky, never taking his eyes from the television. TV COMMENTATOR We are watching history unfold today at the Wankhed? Stadium as Sachin Tendulkar carves his way towards another magnificent century and the record books. His thirty-eighth century- the most by any Indian cricketer ever... LATIKA Love. That will feed us, will it? JAMAL It won't buy you a new dishwasher, but it might make you happy. (CONTINUED) 94. 138 CONTINUED: (3) 138 LATIKA Where have you been? Get in the real world, Jamal. JAMAL You and me. That is the real world. Come away with me. Latika snatches the sandwich from him and gives it to Javed. Goes back to Jamal, whispers under cover of putting condiments away. LATIKA You're crazy. JAMAL Salim will help us. LATIKA Salim? You still believe in Salim? Jamal...I'll be gone soon, anyway. Bombay's got too dangerous for- She indicates Javed. JAMAL Where? LATIKA You think he'd tell me? JAVED Straight bat, straight bat, dammit. Then the batsman at the other end calls to take a second run. JAVED (CONT'D) No! A single! Tendulkar seems to agree, tries to halt the other batsman with a shout, then succumbs to the inevitable and charges down the wicket. A fielder hurls the ball at the stumps. The bails fly off. JAVED (CONT'D) No, no, no! stupid ben chod idiot... He flings his glass of whisky at the television. Suddenly tastes what he has been eating. JAVED (CONT'D) And what is this shit supposed to be, mader chod? Get out. Get out! (CONTINUED) 95. 138 CONTINUED: (4) 138 Javed throws the sandwich at him and slams out of the room. His footsteps can be heard stomping into another room. LATIKA Now go, before he kills us both. She leads Jamal to the door. JAVED Latika, where's my bloody shirt? The Armani. Latika shouts over her shoulder. LATIKA Coming! Back to Jamal. LATIKA (CONT'D) (whispered) You want to do something for me? JAMAL Anything. LATIKA Then forget me. JAMAL I'll wait at VT station. Five o'clock every day until you come. She shakes her head. JAMAL (CONT'D) I love you. LATIKA So what, Jamal? So what? (loudly) Now, get out and tell your no- good agency not to send anybody else until they've learnt to cook. You hear? She slams the door. Hurries back into the kitchen, throws Javed's plate into the sink. The Door-keeper comes in. DOOR-KEEPER Madam, your dishwasher has arrived. Leaning over the sink, Latika weeps silently. 96. 139 INT. SALIM'S APARTMENT. NIGHT. 139 Salim has his hand around Jamal's throat. SALIM Why can't you let it alone? You want money, I'll give you money. Girls? I can get you girls. JAMAL You know what I want. SALIM You're like some crazy man- you're obsessed. JAMAL She is my destiny, Salim. SALIM Know what your destiny is, crazy boy? A bullet between the eyes. And after that, he'll kill her. Is that what you want? Huh? JAMAL Me, I don't care. Latika? She's already half dead. Salim takes his hand away from Jamal's neck. SALIM Yes. About that, you are right. JAMAL You sold her. SALIM (fierce) I didn't sell her. Javed wanted her. He gets what he wants. He turns away bitterly. SALIM (CONT'D) She's doing alright. Get it into your thick head, Jamal. She's not yours and she never will be. 140 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 140 PREM Time for a commercial break, Ladies and Gentlemen. I know, I know, I can't stand the tension either. Don't even think about leaving your seat. We'll be back. (CONTINUED) 97. 140 CONTINUED: 140 The lights flick back on. Prem slumps back in his chair. PREM (CONT'D) You've got the luck of the devil, yaar, I'll give you that. JAMAL I- I need to- PREM Oh, the toilet. Sure. Naveed, Jamal wants the bog. The Floor Manager and a Security Guard usher Jamal off- stage. Prem looks up at the gallery, raises his eyes at the Director. Some show. Then he gathers himself and heads off-stage. 141 INT. CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI TERMINUS. DAY. 141 The clock reads five oh three. Jamal stands on the footbridge. Humanity washes around him. His eyes dart around, frightened to miss her. Checks the clock again. Six. The platform is almost deserted. He wanders away. 142 INT. CORRIDOR. NIGHT. 142 Prem wanders down the corridor followed by a Security Guard. Another Security Guard is waiting at the entrance to the toilet. Prem goes in, leaving the two Guards in the corridor. 143 INT. CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI TERMINUS. DAY. 143 Jamal stands on the footbridge gazing down at the hordes of commuters. Five o'clock, five fifteen, five thirty. Six. Jamal rests his head against the railings. 144 INT. TOILET. NIGHT. 144 Jamal is in one of the cubicles. Prem goes to the urinal. Unzips. PREM A guy from the slums becomes a millionaire overnight. You know the only other person who's done that? Me. I know what it's like. I know what you've been through. JAMAL O/S I'm not going to become a milionaire. I don't know the answer. (CONTINUED) 98. 144 CONTINUED: 144 PREM (laughs) You've said that before, yaar. Prem finishes pissing. Goes over to the washbasins, runs the taps and washes his hands. JAMAL O/S No, I really don't. PREM What? You can't take the money and run now. You're on the edge of history, kid! JAMAL O/S I don't see what else I can do. PREM Maybe it is written, my friend. You're going to win this. Trust me, you're going to win. Prem leaves. Jamal flushes and comes out of the cubicle. Goes to the washbasins. In the mist on the mirror above the taps is written the letter "B". Jamal stares at it. Gradually it fades, leaving only the growing fury on his face staring back at him. 145 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 145 Jamal stalks back onto the set. Sits down in his chair. Stares at Prem who looks unconcernedly back. TALKBACK V/O Twenty seconds. 145A INT. CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI TERMINUS. DAY. 145A The digital clocks show five fifteen. Shoving the descending river of people out of his way, the seventeen year-old Jamal is forging a path up steps that cross the platforms. He pushes to the middle of the footbridge and leans out on the side railings. He scans the sea of people, desperately. Then he sees her: the eighteen year-old Latika, heart-stoppingly beautiful, over the other side of the station. A world away. She is scanning the crowd, as wired as he is. JAMAL Latika! Latika! But though he is screaming her name, his voice is swallowed by the noise around him. Then he sees two thuggish-looking men also fighting a way towards her. (CONTINUED) 99. 145A CONTINUED: 145A JAMAL (CONT'D) Latika! Frightened now, he fights his way down the steps, one figure against an army of white-robed people. He gets to the bottom of the steps, is making progress against the tide. But so are the two men. Jamal is now on the same platform. Shouts her name again. She turns with a smile. But the two Thugs leap through a train onto her platform. She sees them, starts running, is lost in the crowd. Jamal runs off along the platform after Latika. JAMAL (CONT'D) Latika! Latika! By the time Jamal has fought himself to where Latika was- she is gone. He whirls around, mad with frustration. JAMAL (CONT'D) Latika! Latika! 146 OMITTED 146 147 EXT. CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI TERMINUS. DAY. 147 Latika is jumping the tracks, crossing in front of trains. But the Thugs are gaining on her. He brings her down and drags her across to Javed's waiting Mercedes. Salim is standing by the car. Jamal pushes through the crowds just in time to see Salim bundling her into the car. JAMAL Salim! Salim spits disgustedly on the ground. Gets in. Latika twists her head to see Jamal as the car skids off. Jamal screams with hopeless fury. 148 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 148 TALKBACK V/O Fifteen seconds. Jamal and Prem stare at each other. Prem smiles. PREM Do the right thing and in approximately three minutes you will be as famous as me. TALKBACK V/O Ten seconds. (CONTINUED) 100. 148 CONTINUED: 148 PREM And as rich as me. TALKBACK V/O Five seconds. PREM Almost. TALKBACK V/O Four, three... PREM From rags to Raja. It's your destiny. TALKBACK V/O ...we're on. Applause from the audience. PREM Welcome back to Who Wants to Be A Millionaire? In the chair tonight is Jamal Malik- as if we don't know! In an amazing run, Jamal has already five million rupees but, not content with that, has chosen to gamble for one Crore- that's ten million million rupees. What a player! The question one more time: Which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history. Was it A) Sachin Tendulkar, B) Ricky Ponting, C) Michael Slater, D) Jack Hobbs. JAMAL I know it isn't Sachin Tendulkar. PREM That's a start. So, it could be Ricky Ponting, Jack Hobbs or Michael Slater. JAMAL I'll use a life-line. Fifty- fifty. PREM Okay. Computer, take away two wrong answers. Music swells, lights dim. (CONTINUED) 101. 148 CONTINUED: (2) 148 PREM (CONT'D) Well, you were right about Sachin Tendulkar. The computer has taken away A) Sachin Tendulkar and C) Michael Slater. That leaves you a fifty-fifty choice, Jamal. B) Ricky Ponting or D) Jack Hobbs. What do you think? Decision time. For half a million rupees. Your answer: B) Ricky Ponting or D) Jack Hobbs. A hideous, never-ending pause while Jamal stares into Prem's eyes. JAMAL D. A barely perceptible jump from Prem. PREM You sure? Not B) Ricky Ponting? The Australian? Great cricketer. JAMAL D. Jack Hobbs. PREM Do you know? Jamal shakes his head. PREM (CONT'D) So it could be B, Ricky Ponting? JAMAL Or D. Jack Hobbs. PREM Final Answer? JAMAL Final Answer. D. A just-perceptible narrowing of the eyes. PREM Computer-ji D lock kiya-jaye. Prem turns to the computer. Music. Lights. PREM (CONT'D) With one hundred and ninety- seven first class centuries, the answer is...D. Jack Hobbs! The audience go wild. Prem's smile is thin. (CONTINUED) 102. 148 CONTINUED: (3) 148 PREM (CONT'D) Jamal Malik, Crorepati! The camera goes off Prem for a second. He mimes a disgusted spit. Then he is back on. PREM (CONT'D) I cannot believe what I am seeing here, tonight, Ladies and Gentlemen....So, are you ready for the final question for two Crore rupees- twenty million rupees? JAMAL Not really, but...maybe it is written, no? PREM Maybe, indeed. Okay, okay. For twenty million rupees, the final question on Who Wants to be a Millionaire? The lights dim again, the portentous music increases. Suddenly a klaxon sounds. The audience burst into nervous laughter and groans. Prem laughs. PREM (CONT'D) Ohhhhh! Just when I thought I would need a pacemaker fitted, we're out of time! What a show, Ladies and Gentlemen, what a show. Join us tomorrow night to see if Jamal Malik has made the biggest mistake of his life or has just won the biggest prize in the history of Indian television....Same place, same time. You wouldn't dare miss it. Goodnight! Applause. The studio lights come up. Prem switches off his smile as fast as the cameras switch off. Gets up and pulls out his mobile. 149 EXT. JAVED'S BUNGALOW. DAY. 149 Waving a kitchen knife in on hand, a desperate Jamal slams through the gates of Javed's bungalow, the objecting Doorkeeper running along behind. He bangs open the front door. JAMAL Latika! 103. 150 INT. JAVED'S BUNGALOW. DAY. 150 Stops dead. The place has been stripped of everything. Not a single thing remains. Jamal runs into another room. As empty as the first. He stops in his tracks. DOOR-KEEPER Told you. JAMAL Where? Where is she? DOOR-KEEPER Dunno. He grabs the Door-keeper by the shirt-collar, slams him up against the wall. Holds the knife against his throat. JAMAL Where? DOOR-KEEPER I don't know! Wouldn't say, would they? They had to get out fast. The police. Honestly. Jamal lets go of the Door-keeper. Goes hopelessly to the window. On the window sill is a phone. He picks it up. There is a dial tone. Jamal rummages in his trouser pocket. Gets out the battered card with Salim's details on. Dials. Salim picks up. JAMAL Where are you? Where is she? 150A INT. JAVED'S SAFE HOUSE. SALIM'S ROOM. DAY. 150A Salim is stalking around his room in Javed's new house. Hold-alls of clothes and possessions lie around the room. A chest of drawers sits with its drawers open, still empty. SALIM Where you'll never find her. Or me. You could have joined us, you bloody idiot, been one of us. You've lost everything now. Everything. Cuts the call off and slings the phone in a drawer. Takes the gun from his waist, and throws that in too. Slams the drawer shut with as much force as he can. 104. 150B INT. JAVED'S BUNGALOW. DAY. 150B JAMAL Salim...! The line goes dead. Jamal slides to the floor... 151 INT. SALIM'S APARTMENT. NIGHT. 151 ...the camera pulls out from Jamal's face revealing that Jamal is sitting on the floor of Salim's apartment. In the background can be heard the sound of the television. Jamal looks at the knife in his hand, wonders what he might do with it. The sound of Prem's voice on the tv. PREM O/S ...if you want a chance to play Who Wants to be a Millionaire, call now...! Jamal looks up. Stares at the tv. 152 INT. STUDIO. BACKSTAGE. NIGHT. 152 PREM This way, Jamal, this way. Great show, my friend. See you tomorrow, huh? In the half-light, Prem guides him to a stage door. 153 EXT. STUDIO. BACKSTAGE. NIGHT. 153 Jamal steps outside the backstage door. Leans on the rail and takes a huge breath. Immediately, a blanket is thrown over his head and two police men bundle him into the back of a police van. The Director joins Prem at the back-stage door as the van pulls away, sirens screaming. DIRECTOR What's going on? PREM He's a cheat. DIRECTOR This was you? You called them? Prem shrugs. DIRECTOR (CONT'D) How d'you know he's cheating? (CONTINUED) 105. 153 CONTINUED: 153 PREM Oh, come on! Of course he is. He's a bloody village boy. Even when I fed him the wrong answer the little shit got it right. Director stares at him. DIRECTOR You gave him an answer? PREM Well, I didn't exactly- The Director walks away shaking his head. In the doorway, Nita is standing there, watching. PREM (CONT'D) Nita? But she too turns and walks away. 154 INT. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. DAY. 154 INSPECTOR It is all bizarrely plausible. And yet... JAMAL Because I am a slum dog, chi- wallah, I am a liar, right? INSPECTOR Most of you are. Srinivas comes hurrying in carrying a file, very pleased with himself. CONSTABLE SRINIVAS Shooting at Pila Street, October 19th...Maman Hossani....Victim pronounced dead at scene. Suspects absconded: two males, early teens, one female, early teen. The Inspector takes the file. Stares at it. Shakes his head. INSPECTOR But you: you're not a liar, Mister Malik, that is for sure. You are too truthful. He turns to Srinivas. (CONTINUED) 106. 154 CONTINUED: 154 INSPECTOR (CONT'D) Thank you, Constable. All that remains is to work out whether it was manslaughter or murder. Ten years, or life. The Young Constable sticks his head around the door. YOUNG CONSTABLE The Commissioner's here, Sir. The Inspector sighs. Gets up. Accompanied by Srinivas, he leaves the room. Jamal sits there. Lets his head drop. The camera floats from the room, down the dingy corridor and out through a window... 155 EXT. POLICE STATION. DAY. 155 ....alighting on a crowd of hundreds of people jostling to get a view of the building. News crews are setting up around them. A tv Reporter is doing a piece to camera. TV REPORTER ....behind the walls of this police station lies the mystery all of India is talking about. Did Jamal Malik, an uneducated, eighteen year-old boy from the slums of Mumbai win one Crore rupees by fair means or foul? And in the crowds all around me there is an even bigger question. Will he be back on the show tonight to play for twenty million rupees... 156 OMITTED 156 156A INT. POLICE OFFICE. DAY. 156A The Commissioner is waiting in the outer office. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE So? Have you charged him yet? INSPECTOR I- progress is being made sir. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE Progress? Have you charged him? INSPECTOR No, Sir. (CONTINUED) 107. 156A CONTINUED: 156A The Commissioner dumps a copy of the Times of India down on the desk. Then the Hindustan Times, the Amar Ujala and the Afternoon Dispatch thump down after them. All have photos of Jamal on Who Wants to be a Millionaire on the front page. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE And if that isn't enough for you... He motions the Inspector to come over to the window. Lifts the blind. The Inspector hurries over. Looks alarmed. INSPECTOR That's-? COMMISSIONER OF POLICE - yes, yes! The boy's a bloody hero with every beggar and thief in the city. We're in danger of looking very stupid, here, Inspector. INSPECTOR Whilst I'm not convinced he actually cheated, I have got- The Inspector brandishes the file. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE - Prem Kumar himself- a man of great standing and integrity- said the kid was a liar and a cheat. What more do you need? The Inspector pauses. INSPECTOR A liar. Then he puts the file behind his back. Srinivas frowns. INSPECTOR (CONT'D) Indeed, sir. Srinivas coughs pointedly. Gets a steely look from the Inspector. The Commissioner has been staring out of the window at the crowds. Turns back to them. COMMISIONER OF POLICE He's in for fraud, so you charge him for fraud. Fast. Or you'll find yourself on traffic duty at the Gateway of India. Understand? (CONTINUED) 108. 156A CONTINUED: (2) 156A INSPECTOR Yes, sir. The Commissioner walks out. CONSTABLE SRINIVAS Sir-? INSPECTOR Not a word, Srinivas. 157 INT. JAVED'S SAFE-HOUSE. SITTING ROOM. NIGHT. 157 A cheek scarred by disfiguring knife scars. Pulling back we see it is Latika, staring frozen at Jamal on the television news. A palatial living room. Dealing cards to Salim, is Javed Khan. A couple of Bar Girls giggle next to Javed and a couple of his Thugs. Pouring drinks at a sideboard is Latika. Javed glances up at the screen, clearly not recognising Jamal on a clip from Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Salim, too is staring, wide-eyed at the tv. Javed picks up the remote, doesn't even notice and switches over to a music channel. Latika hurries out. JAVED What about my bloody whisky, woman? But she has already gone. He growls after her. JAVED (CONT'D) Hey, Salim. He motions Salim to get him a drink. Javed's mobile rings as Salim goes over to the sideboard. Shifts a bottle to the back. SALIM We're out. I'll just get- Syed. Salim smiles faintly at the image of Jamal and hurries out. 158 INT . JAVED'S SAFE-HOUSE. SALIM'S ROOM. NIGHT. 158 A drawer opens. Inside is Salim's pistol. And a phone- the same one he threw in there months ago. Salim stares at both for a long time. Finally, picks up the gun and phone. SALIM (to himself) Final answer? He finds this faintly amusing. 109. 159 INT. JAVED'S SAFE-HOUSE. KITCHEN. NIGHT. 159 Latika sits in the kitchen, staring at the tv, tears running down her cheeks. A reporter is talking in front of an enlarged photograph of Jamal. Latika wipes away the tears quickly as Salim comes in. He locks the door behind him. Stares at the tv. SALIM That boy. He will never give up. Never. He shakes his head. SALIM (CONT'D) Crazy chutiy?. Salim approaches Latika. She flinches as he walks towards her. He puts some car keys in front of her. SALIM (CONT'D) Ja. Go. LATIKA But- SALIM - just drive. There won't be another chance. Go. Latika takes the keys. Hesitates. LATIKA He'll kill you. Salim smiles, shakes his head. SALIM It is not written. JAVED O/S Salim! Salim goes to the back door. Unlocks it. Opens it for her. LATIKA Salim, I....can't. Salim points at the television. SALIM You have to. It'll take you two hours if you drive fast. Here. He holds out his mobile phone. SALIM (CONT'D) For God's sake, hold on to it. (CONTINUED) 110. 159 CONTINUED: 159 Latika takes it. Salim takes hold of both sides of her head for a moment. SALIM (CONT'D) For what I have done, please forgive me. Salim releases her. SALIM (CONT'D) Go. Have a good life. Salim puts his hands together in blessing. She leaves. Salim shuts the door, locks it. Smiles. 160 INT. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. NIGHT. 160 Jamal is dozing in the chair. He wakes with a shout. Srinivas has just thrown a bucket of water in his face. He unlocks the handcuffs. Jamal looks up at him. Srinivas shrugs. CONSTABLE SRINIVAS You're back on the show. 161 INT. BACKSTAGE. NIGHT. 161 The audience for Who Wants to be a Millionaire are standing in line. They are being body-searched by police. Mobiles are being confiscated and put in bags. 162 INT. BACKSTAGE. NIGHT. 162 Gaffers make last-minute adjustments to the lights shining on the empty chairs in the middle of the set. Camera positions are checked by the Floor Manager. 163 INT. POLICE OFFICE. NIGHT. 163 Srinivas walks Jamal through the police office, past the Inspector sitting at his desk, his arms behind his head, pondering. He watches Jamal go and then asks: INSPECTOR OF POLICE What happened? To the girl? Latika? Jamal stops. JAMAL Who knows? Jamal walks on. The Inspector watches him all the way. 111. 164 INT. POLICE JEEP. NIGHT. 164 Jamal sits in the back of the police jeep. It pulls out of the police station car park into a sea of people all cheering and shouting at the jeep. Jamal looks terrified. 165 INT. CAR. NIGHT. 165 Latika drives through the slums of Mumbai. She hoots her horn furiously at a cart-driver ambling across the road. 166 INT. POLICE JEEP. NIGHT. 166 The jeep stops at the lights and a beggar wanders up, tapping on the windscreen. The beggar studies Jamal's face for a second, then starts shouting and pointing at him. BEGGAR Crorepati! Crorepati! Other beggars- just like the one Jamal used to be- join him and start cheering and applauding. The jeep pulls away. 167 OMITTED 167 168 EXT. SLUM. NIGHT. 168 At the chi stall, everyone gathers around the tv, watching. 169 EXT. ROADSIDE CHI HOUSE. NIGHT. 169 A rickshaw parks up next to a hundred others. The Driver leaps out, abandoning the irate business man in the back and runs to the tv in the caf?. 170 INT. CALL CENTRE. NIGHT. 170 The Manager walks into the aircraft hanger of a building. Stops. Where is everyone? Then he sees everyone crowded around the tv in the Recreation Room. Stalks over. MANAGER Oi! Get back to work. Then he sees Jamal's face on the tv. (CONTINUED) 112. 170 CONTINUED: 170 MANAGER (CONT'D) The chi-wallah? 171 EXT. ROADSIDE SHACKS. NIGHT. 171 All along the highway, one by one the televisions in a hundred shacks flick on, silhouetting the family huddled in front of it. 172 INT. STUDIO. BACKSTAGE. NIGHT. 172 In the half-light, Jamal is being powdered by Nita. NITA Good luck. Prem sneers. TALKBACK V/O Two minutes. She finishes powdering Jamal. PREM Hey. Sweetheart. What about me? I'm sweating, here. NITA You should be. She dumps the powder compact in his hand. PREM So. Tonight. The Calypso Bar. NITA Not if you were the only man in the world. She walks off. PREM (genuinely puzzled) But I am the only man in the world. 173 EXT. MUMBAI STREET. NIGHT. 173 The traffic is gridlocked. Latika is pumping the horn. LATIKA Come on, come on! She glances out of the window, sees one of the roadside shacks with the television on. Gets out of the car and runs to it. 113. 173A INT. COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. NIGHT. 173A The Commissioner grabs his phone. COMMISSIONER OF POLICE Get me the Inspector on the phone now! 173B INT. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. NIGHT. 173B The Inspector wanders into his office, still deep in thought. Switches on the television just as the Millionaire music starts. Sits. The phone rings. 174 OMITTED 174 175 OMITTED 175 176 OMITTED 176 177 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 177 Prem and Jamal walk on-stage. Blinding light. They take their seats to tumultuous applause. PREM Welcome back to Who Wants to be a Millionaire? I can safely say that tonight is the biggest night of both of our lives, Ladies and Gentlemen. Jamal Malik, the Call Centre worker from Mumbai has already won one Crore rupees, a cool ten million. Tonight, he can walk away with that in his pocket or make the biggest gamble in television history and go for the final question and a staggering twenty million rupees! Jamal, are you ready for that question? JAMAL Yes. The lights dim, the music rumbles. Prem pushes the button on his computer. Pauses. Gets conversational. PREM Big reader, are you Jamal? A lover of literature? Nervous laughter from the audience. Jamal just shrugs. (CONTINUED) 114. 177 CONTINUED: 177 JAMAL I can read. Even more nervous laughter. PREM Lucky! In Alexandre Dumas' book, The Three Musketeers, two of the musketeers are called Athos and Porthos. What was the name of the third musketeer. Was it A) Aramis, B) Cardinal Richelieu, C) D'Artagnan, D) Planchet. An involuntary laugh comes out of Jamal's mouth. 178 INT. ROADSIDE SHACK. NIGHT. 178 In the shack, sitting on an upturned oil drum, surrounded by puzzled Indians in rags, a slow smile comes to Latika's face. 179 OMITTED 179 180 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 180 Camera on Prem. PREM The final question, for twenty million rupees: and he's smiling. I guess you know the answer. JAMAL Would you believe it? I don't. Jamal laughs. There's nothing else to do. The audience groan. PREM You don't? So, you're going to take the ten million and walk? JAMAL No. PREM No? JAMAL I'll play. A gasp from the audience. (CONTINUED) 115. 180 CONTINUED: 180 PREM You just said you don't know the answer. I heard that, right? You do understand that if you get the answer wrong, you lose everything? Ten million rupees. A fortune, Jamal. A terrible pause. JAMAL I'd like to phone a friend. PREM We're going to the wire, Ladies and Gentlemen, we are going to the wire. The final Life-line. Here we go.... 181 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 181 Prem presses his computer. Ominous rumble of drums. The lights dim. A phone can be heard ringing, the amplified sound echoing around the studio. PREM It's ringing. The phone continues to ring. 182 INT. ROADSIDE SHACK. NIGHT. 182 Latika is staring at the television. Then an electric current seems to shoot through her and she is running, dodging the static traffic, street vendors, the odd cow, heading for her abandoned car. Hooting horns, shouting drivers. The phone rings on... 183 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 183 And on... PREM Doesn't look as if your friend is in, Jamal. Who is it? JAMAL My brother's number, but- PREM - the sort of brother who'd go for a walk on the twenty million rupee question? JAMAL It's the only number I know. 116. 184 INT. CAR. NIGHT. 184 On the passenger seat of Latika's car, Salim's phone continues to ring... 185 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 185 ...and ring. PREM You're on your own, Jamal. Prem looks up at the gallery. The Director shakes his head, mimes cutting his throat. 186 INT. CAR. NIGHT. 186 Latika wrestles the door open, grabs the phone. 187 INT. STUDIO. NIGHT. 187 Prem opens his mouth to speak. Then, out of the darkness of the studio, LATIKA V/O Hello? A gasp from the audience. LATIKA V/O (CONT'D) Hello? Jamal? PREM Wow! That's cutting it fine. I'm guessing this isn't your brother. This is- LATIKA V/O My name is Latika. The first real smile of Jamal's adult life. 188 EXT. STUDIO. BACKSTAGE. NIGHT. 188 A small smile spreads across the Inspector's face. INSPECTOR That's why he's on the show. He picks up his hat and hastens out of the room. 117. 189 INT. JAVED'S SAFE-HOUSE. NIGHT. 189 Javed pulls the Bar Girl from him, stares open-mouthed at the television. JAVED What the bloody-? He pushes the girl off him. Gets to his feet. JAVED (CONT'D) Latika! Salim! 190 INT. STUDIO/ INT. ROADSIDE SHACK. NIGHT. 190 PREM Okay! So, Latika, you want to hear the question one more time? And let's be clear about this. Twenty million rupees ride on your answer. You have thirty seconds. Jamal, please read out the question to Latika. JAMAL Is that really you? LATIKA V/O Yes. PREM The question, Jamal. JAMAL In Alexandre Dumas' book, The Three Musketeers, two of the musketeers are called Athos and Porthos. What was the name of the third musketeer. Was it A) Aramis, B) Cardinal Richelieu, C) D'Artagnan, D) Planchet. Silence. The electronic clock ticks loudly. PREM Fifteen seconds. JAMAL Where are you? LATIKA V/O I'm- I'm safe. PREM Ten seconds. So, Latika, what do you think? Silence. (CONTINUED) 118. 190 CONTINUED: 190 PREM (CONT'D) Five, four, three, two, one. Time's up! Your answer. LATIKA V/O I don't know. The audience groan. PREM Oh... LATIKA V/O I've never known. PREM You really are on your own, now, Jamal. Your answer: for twenty million rupees. Jamal shrugs. JAMAL A. PREM A. Because? JAMAL Just...because. PREM Apka final jawab? JAMAL Yes. Final answer. A. Aramis. The lights dim, the music crescendoes. A buzz runs around the audience. Prem pushes the button on his computer. Stares hard at Jamal. PREM Computer-ji A lock kiya-jaye. Jamal Malik, Call Centre Assistant from Mumbai, for two Crore, twenty million rupees, you were asked who the Third Musketeer was in the novel by Alexandre Dumas. You used your final life-line to phone a friend. You answered A. Aramis.....which is...I have to tell you...the correct answer! Wild applause. Prem jumps up and pulls a bemused Jamal to his feet, raising his arm in the air. Jamal is smiling, but disorientated. (CONTINUED) 119. 190 CONTINUED: (2) 190 PREM (CONT'D) Ladies and Gentlemen, Jamal Malik, Crorepati! What a night! We have all been present at the making of history, Ladies and Gentlemen! Jamal Malik, millionaire! JAMAL Latika? Latika? To ever-increasing roars and applause from the audience, Prem escorts Jamal off-stage. 191 INT. ROADSIDE SHACK. NIGHT. 191 The line goes dead in Latika's hand. She stares down at the phone. The bemused family are still eying her like an alien. She smiles at them and goes out. The traffic on the road is still grid-locked. She starts walking, faster and faster. Then she breaks into a run. 192 INT. JAVED'S SAFE-HOUSE. BATHROOM. NIGHT. 192 A small tv in the bathroom. Salim smiles. JAVED O/S Salim! Teri ma ki chute! Salim! Javed is banging on the door. Salim gets up from where he has been praying. He climbs into the bath which is full of bank notes and lies down amongst the money. He reaches across for the pistol and picks it up. Smiles slightly as Javed smashes down the door, pulls the trigger and shoots Javed. He falls onto the floor, dead. But the Thug right behind him shoots Salim in the chest. He lies back in the bath, the faintest trace of a smile on his face as he stares at the pictures of Jamal on the tv. SALIM God is good. Salim dies. 193 INT. STUDIO. BACKSTAGE. NIGHT. 193 Prem and Jamal are being posed by photographers. A giant-sized cheque for twenty million rupees is manhandled onto the floor by the Floor Manager and an Assistant amidst much cheering and laughter. Jamal is snapped next to a scowling Prem. The Inspector appears next to them. INSPECTOR Just one more thing left, Sir. (CONTINUED) 120. 193 CONTINUED: 193 Prem smiles. PREM Finally, huh? INSPECTOR If you'd like to come with me. He takes Jamal by the arm, leads him backstage. 194 INT/EXT. POLICE JEEP. NIGHT. 194 Jamal sits silent in the back seat next to the Inspector as he drives through the traffic. Then: JAMAL Truth alone triumphs? I should have known better. The Inspector stops the jeep. Unlocks the handcuffs. Holds the back door open for Jamal. INSPECTOR Thought you might need a lift, Sir. He nods towards the outside world. Dazed, Jamal gets out. 195 EXT. CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI TERMINUS. NIGHT. 195 Jamal finds himself gazing up at VT station. Slowly, he wanders inside. The Inspector takes the contents of the file and tears them slowly in half. Lets the pieces fall on the ground. Gets back in the jeep and drives away. 196 OMITTED 196 197 INT. CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI TERMINUS. NIGHT. 197 VT station is awash with the evening commute. Thousands of people crowd the platforms, jostling the only still figure who is sitting at the base of the statue of Frederick Stevens. Jamal. Then there is a gap in the wall of bodies that swirls around him. Jamal gets to his feet. JAMAL Latika? Then she is gone in the melee again. Only to reappear. (CONTINUED) 121. 197 CONTINUED: 197 LATIKA Jamal? Jamal forces himself through the people. Nothing will stop him. Latika too is shoving them aside until they are face-to-face. They stop, look at each other, hold each other's hands tight. The whole station seems frozen, the only movement from a thousand bodies being Jamal and Latika. LATIKA (CONT'D) I thought we would meet again only in death. He shakes his head. JAMAL I knew you'd be watching. Jamal puts his hand on Latika's chin, turns her head gently so that she is facing him. He sees the knife scars on her cheek for the first time. She tries to turn her head, but he won't let her. Runs his hand slowly down the scar. Rests his hand there. JAMAL (CONT'D) This is our destiny. He gently kisses the scarred cheek. JAMAL (CONT'D) This is our destiny. The camera pulls back and back, rising above the station. The music starts and the frozen station comes alive, two thousand kurta-clad men and saree-clad women dancing in and out and on top of the trains, an unbound celebration of hope and humanity that has at its centre, Jamal and Latika. THE END Slumdog Millionaire Writers : Simon Beaufoy Vikas Swarup Genres : Crime Drama Romance